Interview with Prof. Heloise Sathorar
Video on TAB by Friederike Ulses
Teaching Across Borders
Teaching Across Borders

Teaching Across Borders (or TAB) is an international online/hybrid learning experience. It is about observing and analysing lessons, getting introduced to different lesson designs and eventually designing your own lesson. The workshops are based on so-called lesson studies which are conducted within every subject that is taught at school in Dutch teacher training. They are like internships/school based learning. Taking part in the TAB workshops will enhance your competence in teaching methodology and will add an international dimension to your teacher education.
Students and teachers from the Universities of Oldenburg (Germany), Groningen, NHL Stenden (Netherlands) and the Nelson Mandela University (South Africa) are involved as well as teachers from local German, Dutch and South African schools.
- You get first hand practice in lesson planning, an absolute plus for when you enter the school service.
- You get unique insight into real schools. This is like an internship abroad without the costs of travelling.
- You’ll get the chance to participate in the international summer/winter school and get to know fellow teacher education students and their teachers from our partners, the University of Oldenburg (Germany), Groningen and Leeuwarden (the Netherlands) and Nelson Mandela University (South Africa).
TAB I 24 May 2024 (Friday) in Groningen (NL) 11 am to 4 pm
TAB II 20 September 2024 (Fri) 1 to 4 pm
TAB III 21 November 2024 (Thurs) during our (hybrid) winter school in Oldenburg (time tbd)
Registered students are asked to come to all 3 dates.
(Times in April and May are the same for Europe and South Africa. In November the time difference is one hour, i.e. South Africa is one hour ahead of Europe.)
in person (for German and Dutch students) in April, online in May, and online or in person in Oldenburg in November.
For whom?
Master of Education students and advanced Bachelor students of UOL, RUG and NMU.
Contact the following if you’re interested:
UOL students:
RUG students:
NMU students:
NHL students:
Who is involved?
Prof. Heloise Sathorar (NMU)

Prof. Heloise Sathorar is Executive Dean of the Faculty of Education at the Nelson Mandela University. She is also the Head of Department for Secondary School Education (PGCE and BEd SP & FET) in the Faculty of Education. Her research interest includes critical pedagogy, teacher education, higher education and critical community engagement. She has also done research in Accounting Education, and Entrepreneurship Education. Her most recent work is: Decolonizing the colonized mindset: Reflecting on lecturer dispositions to decolonize teacher education (JOE).
Prof. Dr. Till-Sebastian Idel (UOL)

Professor for School Pedagogy and General Didactics
School of Educational and Social Sciences, Department of Educational Sciences, University of Oldenburg
The focus of my empirical research is on practices of teaching, school and classroom change in development processes in context with changing educational policies and especially in progressive schools, and the embedded professionalization of teachers. My research is based in theories of practice and theories of subjectivation. I’m using methods of qualitative research.
Dr. Alex van den Berg (RUG)

Alex van den Berg is a teacher educator for Chemistry at the University of Groningen. He is also a secondary school teacher in Groningen and works for a consortium of schools on the theme of ‘active learning’. He coordinates a group of teachers who are doing evidence informed research in their schools.
Robert-Jan Smit (NHL Stenden)

Robert-Jan Smit (M.Ed.) is a teacher educator in the teacher trainer programme bachelor and master of English, at the Dutch NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences (Leeuwarden/Groningen). The subjects he teaches range from Arts in Context to Applied Linguistics, and from Discourse Analysis to Teaching Writing. He also supervises bachelor theses. Robert-Jan has 21 years of experience teaching English at a Dutch secondary school. Of those 21 years, 15 were spent teaching and developing the subject of English within the framework of the International Baccalaureate’s Middle Years Programme (IB-MYP) in the bilingual department. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is a field of strong interest.
Tina Grummel (UOL)

Tina Grummel, Project manager, University of Oldenburg, Germany