Summer/ Winter Schools

Our winter school (or better: summer school for our South African partner) takes place in November each year. All project partner and their students of teacher education are involved. In order to allow for a maximum of participation we offer all sessions in a hybrid format.

International Winter School: Empowering Teachers - Empowering Students

18 – 22 November 2024 (hybrid)

18 November 2024

10 am - 12 pm


Welcome Notes by Tina Grummel, Jenka Schmidt, Heloise Sathorar, Martin Butler and Marelize van Heerden

IKT (Intercultural Meeting Place) at StudentServiceCentre (SSC), room number A12 0-002

Campus tour

12 - 1 pm

Lunch at Mensa

1:30 pm

Working session for TAB students

IKT (Intercultural Meeting Place) at StudentServiceCentre (SSC), room number A12 0-002

6 pm

Welcome dinner & official opening

19 November 2024

Morning seminar sessions

9 - 9:15 am


University of Oldenburg Campus: A14 1-111 (Senatssitzungssaal)

9:15 - 10:15 am

Session 1: Teaching with the heart: Empowering teachers to apply a humanising pedagogy to create experiences of dignity

Presenters: Marelize van Heerden, Heloise Sathorar, Deidre Geduld, Astrid Campodonico, Lwazi Nochubela, Amy Joggom (Nelson Mandela University)

This workshop aims to empower teachers to implement a humanising pedagogy to create experiences of dignity in the classroom. It includes arts-integrated, sense-making and reflective activities to delve deeper into what is required to teach from the heart. It also presents the lived experiences of lecturers, students, and students as teachers as they engage with a humanising pedagogy

University of Oldenburg Campus: A14 1-111 (Senatssitzungssaal)

10:15 - 11:15 am

Session 2: Insider/Outsider: Authentic experiences of becoming

Presenters: Sanet Deysel, Cina Mosito (Basse), Rochelle Thorne, Joshua Jacobs, Simamkele Tinana, Marlon Prinsloo, Kirwan Frieslaar, Caroline Boshoff (Nelson Mandela University)

As teachers (lecturers) and students, we will engage in pedagogical scenarios of diversity in the realms of inclusion and language. With iceberg theory and humanising pedagogy underpinning our panel discussion, we will share our lived experiences of what it means to be included and excluded.  

The underlying aim is to interrogate the humanising approach of them and deliberate on how then we learn and teach towards graduating teachers who are conscious of unintended biases and promote socially just and cohesive classroom environments where all learners can thrive.

University of Oldenburg Campus: A14 1-111 (Senatssitzungssaal)

11:15 am

Tea break

11:45 am - 12:45 pm

Session 3: Safer Spaces: Enabling empowerment in the classroom and beyond

Presenters: Shanti Suki Osman, Rena Janßen (University of Oldenburg, Institute for Music)

In this interactive session we will explore the concepts of safer spaces and braver spaces as empowerment tools for students and teachers in the classroom and beyond. Using examples from music education settings as a starting point, we will consider some contemporary understandings of the terms and apply them directly to our wider learning and teaching settings, asking what is possible and what we need to make them work.

University of Oldenburg Campus: A14 1-111 (Senatssitzungssaal)

1 - 2 pm

Lunch at Mensa

Afternoon seminar session

2:15 - 3:45 pm

Session 4: Racism-critical education - Perspectives and opportunies

Presenters: Ayça Polat, Gamze Keklik (University of Oldenburg)

Our input deals with the central concerns and perspectives of racism-critical education and shows possibilities for implementation in the classroom. In addition to the theoretical input, we will perform a brief awareness "exercise" together.

University of Oldenburg Campus: A14 1-111 (Senatssitzungssaal)

6 pm

Informal Dinner

IKT (Intercultural Meeting Place) at StudentServiceCentre (SSC), room number A12 0-002

20 November 2024

Excursion to Bremen

Including lunch and guided tour

Free Evening

(everyone feel free to stay in Bremen)

21 November 2024

7:30 am - 1 pm

Visiting a local secondary school

Oberschule Alexanderstraße (Oldenburg)

1 pm

Lunch at school cafeteria

2:30 - 5:30 pm

Teaching Across Borders (TAB) Workshop III

With Heloise Sathorar (Nelson Mandela University), Alex van den Berg (University of Groningen), Robert-Jan Smit (NHL Stenden), Till-Sebastian Idel and Tina Grummel (University of Oldenburg) and local in service teachers.

University of Oldenburg Campus: A14 1-111 (Senatssitzungssaal)

Free Evening

(students are encouraged to meet up with their TAB buddies and spend the evening together)

22 November 2024

9 - 10:30 am

Session 1: The use of new technologies in language learning and teaching

Presenters: Anastasia Pattemore and Matthew Pattemore (University of Groningen)

This session introduces participants to effective strategies for integrating audiovisual resources such as videos and subtitles, and digital games into their teaching. Focusing on student engagement and fostering a sense of belonging, the participants will explore how technology can enrich learning experiences across diverse classroom settings. Participants will leave with practical tools and ideas for using videos and games to promote active learning and meaningful connections with course material.

Dr. Anastasia Pattemore is a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at the University of Groningen. Her teaching and research focus on research-informed, innovative language teaching methodologies, with a particular interest in subtitled audiovisual input.

Matthew Pattemore is a lecturer at the University of Groningen. His research and teaching center on technology-enhanced language teaching and learning, particularly on the use of digital games inside and outside the classroom.

University of Oldenburg Campus: A14 1-111 (Senatssitzungssaal)

10:30 - 11 am

Tea break

11 am - 12 pm

Session 2: Redesigning service learning in international teacher education

Presenters: Natalie Shaw and Debra Williams Gualandi (NHL Stenden)

In our session we will share our collaborative research towards re-shaping service learning in our international teacher education programme. Service learning in its best application seeks to empower pre-service teachers through meaningful action; however, responsibility lies with teacher educators to facilitate engagements that prevent stereotyping, avoid tokenistic engagements, and take the community's needs and wishes seriously.

The session will involve a short theoretical introduction and rationale, an outline of the research project, and activities during which the attendants are invited to engage with some of the data as well as the outcomes generated so far, ending with a plenary discussion. Through active methods, such as sorting statements and agreeing/disagreeing with positions regarding the data, we aim to engage the participants both in the topic itself as well as the act of data interpretation, offered in a very accessible form. In doing so, we aim to empower (future) teachers to draw conclusions from data generated by research, and, ultimately, for these (future) teachers to inspire and empower their students in turn. 

University of Oldenburg Campus: A14 1-111 (Senatssitzungssaal)

12:15 - 1:15 pm

Lunch at Mensa

1:30 - 2:30 pm

Wrap-up and Feedback

University of Oldenburg Campus: A14 1-111 (Senatssitzungssaal)

3:30 pm - 5 pm

Steering committee meeting

faculty only, students are free

University of Oldenburg Campus: A12 3-318

6:30 pm 

Farewell dinner

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