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Dr. Susanne Haberstroh

Dr. Simone Schipper


Ideas Competition

How will we teach in the future?
How will we learn in the future?

Over the past year at the University of Oldenburg, we all have gained quite a lot of experience in teaching and learning using online and hybrid formats. These experiences will certainly continue to impact the future of higher education. Now you have the chance to help shape teaching and learning at the University in the post-pandemic era! The University of Oldenburg invites all students and faculty members to submit proposals for the Ideas Competition. The patron of the Ideas Competition is the Vice President for Instruction and International Affairs, Prof. Dr. Verena Pietzner.

What do you need as students and faculty members for successful teaching and learning? Where do you see room for improvement? Or what specifically do you think is missing and you would wish to have?

The ideas can refer to diverse aspects and levels of teaching and learning. For example, forms of communication and collaboration, the use of media and methods, participation, flexibility and mobility, internationalization, linking research and teaching, service offerings for students and/or faculty, support for personal professional development, accessibility and diversity.

Share your ideas with us! Submissions from individuals as well as teams are welcome. You may also submit multiple ideas.

Students and faculty members of the of University Oldenburg are eligible to submit ideas.

Chance to win €3,000 in total!

Two best ideas submitted by students and faculty members will be selected by the jury and awarded the prize money:

Faculty: first place €1,000, second place €500

Students: first place: €1,000, second place €500

The prize money is donated by the University Society Oldenburg e. V.


Your proposals should relate to teaching and learning at our University—your degree program, your school, or the University as a whole—and should be as specific as possible. Further criteria are:

- Benefits and sustainability: the idea provides a clear benefit to faculty and/or learners and thus contributes to a sustainable improvement in teaching and/or learning.

- Novelty and originality: the idea is characterized by a novel approach and differs from existing methods or solutions.

- Reach or particular needs: The idea will benefit a larger group of faculty and/or students. Proposals that address individuals’ or smaller groups’ particular needs—for example, in terms of accessibility and diversity—are also encouraged.

Submitting ideas that have already been implemented is not allowed.

How can you submit your ideas?

To submit your proposals, please use the template in the box on the left (Word document, .docx). Fill it out completely (length max. 1 to 2 pages in the A4 format) and send it as an attachment by email to:

You can also send or link additional content that illustrates your idea (e.g. sketches, videos), but cannot be shown in the Word template.

If you encounter any problems with the Word document, simply send your proposal as text in the email. Whichever option you choose, the description of your idea should include the following information:

  • Your contact information (name, matriculation number/degree program [for students]/organizational unit [for faculty], email address)
  • Please name one contact person in the form and in case when multiple people are submitting please provide their names with contact email addresses
  • Participation as student or faculty member
  • Title of the idea
  • Short description of the idea (2-3 sentences)
  • Clear explanation of your proposal (current situation, need for improvement, description and possibility of implementation, benefits, target group/reach)

Deadline: June 10, 2021

After your proposal has reached us, you will receive a confirmation. We will inform you about the jury's decision at the beginning of July.

Selection and award

The jury consists of the Vice President for Instruction and International Affairs, the Vice President for Research, Transfer and Digitalization, members of the Working Group for Teaching and Learning, student representatives, as well as one member of the University Society Oldenburg e.V. 

The award winners are expected to be selected and notified in early July. The award ceremony will take place in mid-July in compliance with the pandemic regulations—either online or in a small circle.

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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