DFG-Project WI 4666/2-1: "Kinship effects or affected kinship? – Investigating the functioning of family networks by their impact on adult mortality and fertility"
In the media
Team & Data @ Lund, Sweden
Scanian Economic Demographic Database (SEDD) Sweden, 1650-2015
In cooperation with Prof. Dr. Martin Dribe from Lund University, Sweden
Data website: www.ed.lu.se/databases/sedd
The Scanian Economic-Demographic Database (SEDD) is a high-quality longitudinal data resource spanning a 350-year period. Having begun as a purely historical database it has recently been extended until present times. It covers five rural parishes and a port town in western Scania from 1650 to 1967, and contains all individuals born in or migrated into the area. It has also been linked to national population registers covering the entire Swedish population from 1968 onwards. This allows to track the study population to the present day including their children and grandchildren, regardless of where they live in Sweden. The total number of individuals in the database is about 180,000 for the period up to 1967, and 700,000 1968-2015. SEDD combines various demographic records, including causes of death, and provides a study of the entire population; the population at risk is known for the entire population after 1815 and prior to that for part of the population; it contains a combination of demographic records at family level and information on occupation, landholding and income.

Martin Dribe's website @ Lund University