DFG-Project WI 4666/2-1: "Kinship effects or affected kinship? – Investigating the functioning of family networks by their impact on adult mortality and fertility"

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Willführ KP, Eriksson, B, Dribe, M (2021). The impact of kin proximity on net marital fertility and maternal survival in Sweden 1900–1910—Evidence for cooperative breeding in a societal context of nuclear families, or just contextual correlations? American Journal of Human Biology, e23609. doi.org/10.1002/ajhb.23609

Pink KE, Willführ KP, Voland E, Puschmann P (2020) Effects of individual mortality experience on out of wedlock fertility in 18th and 19th century Krummhörn, Germany. Human Nature. doi.org/10.1007/s12110-020-09368-3

Willführ KP, van Dijk IK (2019) Another Helping - A Plea for an Interdisciplinary Perspective on the Role of Kin over the Life Course. Historická demografie 43:157-181.

Willführ KP, Fox J, Voland E (in press) The usage of historical family reconstitution databases in the study of kin effects - What can we learn from evolutionary approaches? Invited contribution to Human Evolutionary Demography edited by Rebecca Sear, Oskar Burger, Ron Lee. osf.io/p59eu/ (Chapter 7.5)

Johow J, Willführ KP, Voland E (2019) High consanguinity promotes intergenerational wealth concentration in socioeconomically privileged Krummhörn families of the 18th and 19th centuries. Evolution & Human Behavior 40: 204-213. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1090513818301053

Willführ KP, Johow J, Voland E (2018) When the mother-in-law is just as good—Differential mortality of reproductive females by family network composition. PLoS ONE 13(3):e0193252. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0193252

Voland E, Willführ KP (2016) Why does paternal death accelerate the transition to first marriage in the C18-C19 Krummhörn population? Evolution & Human Behavior. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2016.08.001

Fox J, Willführ KP, Gagnon A, Dillon L, Voland E (2016) The consequences of sibling formation on survival and reproductive success across different ecological contexts: A comparison of the historical Krummhörn and Quebec populations. The History of the Family; DOI:10.1080/1081602X.2016.1193551

Willführ KP, Gagnon A (2013) Are step-parents always evil? Parental death, remarriage, and child survival in demographically saturated Krummhörn (1720-1859) and expanding Québec (1670-1750). Biodemography and Social Biology 59(2):191-211. doi.org/10.1080/19485565.2013.833803

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