
Geschäftsstelle / OLTECH office

+49 (0)441 798-3648/3649

OLTECH Direktorium / Governing Board

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dittmar 

Prof. Dr. Mathias Dietz 

Prof. Dr. Heike Wehrheim 

Geschäftsführung / Managing directors

Dr. Ferdinand Esser

Christine Steinseifer-Jeske


Oili Tsakmakis

Keti Antadze-Tamminga

Sophie Barlage (Student assistant)      

Besucheranschrift / Visitor address

Raum W3 1-138

Kontaktmöglichkeiten aktuell / Contact options:
per Mail und telefonische Erreichbarkeit Mo-Do 09:00 - 12:00
via e-mail and via phone from Mon-Thur 09:00-12:00

Beratungstermine: individuell nach Absprache / Individual appointments on request

OLTECH Travel Grant

On behalf of the Faculty V and Faculty VI, the Graduate School OLTECH offers grants for the attendance at international congresses, summer schools and lab visits.

All doctoral candidates of the Schools/faculties V and VI can apply for this grant. information and application

The next application deadline for travels from January to June 2025:
15th November 2024

Thesis committee

A thesis committee supervises the progress of a doctoral thesis. It helps the doctoral candidates to develop the best possible thesis within the intended period of time by regular meetings with experienced scientists. The committee may also assist in the selection of generic skills courses offered by OLTECH.

The guidelines of a PhD thesis committee OLTECH and guidelines of a PhD thesis committee ICBM are helpful to prepare and invite participants to a first thesis committee meeting.

Some information regarding the preparation of a thesis committee meeting and an example of minutes of PhD thesis committee will give you more advice. After each thesis committee meeting a confirmation of participation has to be filled in and the minutes should be send to the committee members.

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