The University Hospital for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine comprises five specialized clinics with the following research foci:
Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive Care Medicine are beeing addressed within the neurobiology of the developing brain in the research group of Prof. Axel Heep. Internal cooperations exist with the Department of Psychology research group of Prof. Andrea Hildebrandt and the division of Anatomy (Prof. Andrea Bräuer). External research cooperation exists with the University of Bristol research group of Prof. J. Uney; Stem Cell and Neuroregeneration), the University of Groningen (Prof. A. Bos; Department of Neonatology), the University of Bonn (PD Dr. H. Sabir; Experimental Neurobiology), the Medizinische Hochschule Hannover - MHH (research group of Prof. G. Hansen, Dr. M. Wetzke Twincore Laboratory - Hannover, CAPNet- Foundation).
Research cooperation projects within the special topic "rare diseases" of School VI are associated with the Clinic for Neuropediatrics and Metabolic Diseases (Prof. Christoph Korenke).
The Clinic for Pediatric Oncology (Prof. Hermann Müller) is the study director of the craniopharyngeoma studies of the Society for Pediatric Oncology and Hematology (GPOH) at the Klinikum Oldenburg AöR and coordinates therapy and follow-up of patients in the HIT-Network of brain tumor studies in close cooperation with the reference centers of the GPOH.