
Prof. Dr. Anja U. Bräuer

+49 (0)441 798-3797

Postal address

Faculty VI Medicine and Health Sciences
Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
Carl-von-Ossietzky Str. 9-11
26129 Oldenburg

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Insight Anatomy Groningen

Insight into the anatomy


Welcome to the
Department of Anatomy

Prof. Dr. Anja U. Bräuer Associate Professor / Director

Scientific Director of the Core Facility "Microscopy Core Facility "Microscopy

Research, "Cogito ergo sum" - I think, therefore I am

Our research activities are in the fields of neurobiology, neuroanatomy and anatomical teaching research. The focus is on identifying molecular and cellular mechanisms of neuronal differentiation. In detail, we investigate phospholipid-modifying proteins and their neuronal functions in physiological and pathophysiological processes of spinous process formation. In this context, we also analyse the phospholipid composition in tissues, cells and body fluids. We focus on the influence of phospholipids in healthy and diseased organisms using lipid/protein biochemical, molecular and cellular methods. Our techniques combine the use of transgenic mouse models, primary nerve cell cultures and in vivo manipulations of different signalling pathways in mice by the in utero electroporation technique. In addition, we use state-of-the-art microscopic equipment, from electron microscopy, confocal and STED microscopy, to live cell imaging, including FLIM-FRET and FCS analyses. This excellent combination of methods will allow us to identify new signalling pathways that play a role in brain development, not only responsible for cellular processes or network functions, but also for pathological changes. Our goal is to identify new therapeutic approaches for neuronal diseases.

Teaching, "Mortui vivos docent" - The dead teach the living

Anatomical knowledge forms the basis of medicine and is essential for the clinical section of human medicine studies. Thus, the focus of the teaching in the Department of Anatomy is also on the study programme in human medicine. The teaching activities cover macroscopic and microscopic human anatomy, including neuroanatomy, embryology and cell biology. Here we use well-validated and established teaching concepts, such as lectures, seminars, practical courses on microscopes, as well as demonstrations and preparations on human bodies. The University of Oldenburg does not yet run its own cadaveric department. Therefore, the anatomy practical courses for macroscopy take place at the University of Groningen (Netherlands), which cooperates with Oldenburg within the framework of the European Medical School. Furthermore, in Oldenburg we implement modern, digital teaching and learning concepts, such as the Anatomage, SMART Zoom or the HoloLenz glasses in our curriculum.

We also teach basic knowledge in human anatomy in the degree programmes: PTM (Physics, Engineering and Medicine), Sports Science, Biology, Neuroscience, Psychology and Molecular Biomedicine.

Teaching and learning research
Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology

Teaching coordinatorPD Dr. med. Veysel Ödemis Specialist in Anatomy

Laboratory coordinatorDr. rer. nat. Nicola Brandt

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