Postal address
Maps and directions
Yadwinder Kaur
Research Interests
- Brain signal complexity analysis using Multi-Scale Entropy (MSE)
- Reliability and validity of MSE
- Individual differences in creative thinking
- Neurophysiological correlates of creativity
- Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
Academic positions
Since Oct. 2018 | Scientific Researcher at the Department of Psychology, division for Methods and Statistics, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg |
01/2016 - 08/2018 | PhD student at the Department of Psychology, Division of Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment, University of Greifswald |
Since March 2016 | PhD student (Supervisor Prof. Dr. Andrea Hildebrandt) |
08/2014 - 11/2014 | Master’s Thesis on the topic “Design of Computerized Central Executive Function Tasks of Updating Manipulation and Dual Task Coordination: An Event-related Potential study at Neuropsychology” at the Department of National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore, India |
07/2009 - 04/2015 | Integrated Bachelor Degree in Technology (B.Tech.) in Converging Technologies and Master of Technology (M.Tech.) in Cognitive and Neuroscience from the Center for Converging Technologies, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India |
07/2013 - 11/2013 | Summer intern at the Department of Bio-Medical Engineering, Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences (INMAS), Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), Delhi, India |
International research visits
09/2018 | One Month research stay at the Centre for Nonlinear Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong supervised by Prof. Dr. Changsong Zhou, and funded by German Academic Exchange Service DAAD |
2016 | Research stay at the Centre for Nonlinear Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong supervised by Prof. Dr. Changsong Zhou on Analysis of brain signal complexity using Multi-Scale Entropy (MSE) |
03/2016 - 08/2018 | Graduiertenförderung des Landes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (LGF), state scholarship at the University of Greifswald, Greifswald |
Kaur, Y., Ouyang, G., Junge, M., Sommer, W., Liu, M. Zhou, C., & Hildebrandt. A. (in press). The reliability and psychometric structure of Multi-Scale Entropy measured from EEG signals at rest and during face and object recognition tasks. Journal of Neuroscience Methods
Kaur, Y., Ouyang, Q., Junge, M., Sommer, W., Liu, M., Zhou, C. & Hildebrandt, A. (under review). The reliability and psychometric structure of Multi-Scale Entropy measured from EEG signals at rest and during face and object recognition tasks. Journal of Neuroscience Methods
Kaur, Y., Ouyang, G., Zhou, C., & Hildebrandt, A. (July, 2018). Exploring the neural correlates of creativity via Multi-Scale Entropy measures of the brain signal. Talk at the 19th European Conference on Personality (ECP) as a part of symposia organized by Hildebrandt, A., Individual Differences in Creativity – Measurement, Scoring, Structure and Nomological Net, Zadar, Croatia
Kaur, Y., Ouyang, G., Zhou, C., & Hildebrandt, A. (September 2018). Brain signal complexity and divergent thinking. Talk at the 51st Conference of the German Psychological Association (German: Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie) as a part of symposia organized by Weiss S. & Hildebrandt, A., Creative Abilities: Measurement, Scoring, and Nomological Net including Genetic, Neurophysiologic, and Behavioral Levels, Frankfurt, Germany
Further Presentations
Kaur, Y., Ouyang, Q., Sommer, W., (June 2016). First PhD oral presentation on Multi-Scale Entropy Analysis of EEG signals at Colloquium of the Department of Biological Psychology division of Department of Psychology, of Prof. Dr. Werner Sommer at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Berlin
Kaur, Y., Ouyang, Q., Junge, M., Sommer, W., Liu, M., Zhou, C. & Hildebrandt, A. (July 2017). Oral presentation on Exploring the reliability and structure of Multi-Scale Entropy measures from EEG signals – Comparing signals recorded at rest versus during processing Face and Object Recognition task at Germany-Hong Kong Joint Workshop, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Kaur, Y., Ouyang, Q., Zhou, C. & Hildebrandt, A. (September 2018). Oral presentation on Individual differences in divergent thinking measured via Multi-Scale Entropy(MSE) with research group of Prof. Dr. Changsong Zhou at the Centre for Nonlinear Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Kaur, Y., Ouyang, Q., Zhou, C. & Hildebrandt, A. (November 2018). Oral presentation on Individual differences in divergent thinking measured via Multi-Scale Entropy(MSE) at Psychology Research Colloquium at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg