
Head of Chair

Prof. Dr. Carsten Helm

A5 0-045 





Annegret Kock

A5 0-013




Catharina Schramm

A5 0-014





  • [article] bibtex
    D. Rüb, "Inequality beyond income quantiles: Distributional effects of climate mitigation policies" Ecological Economics, vol. 216, p. 108019.
  • [article] bibtex
    D. Demougin and C. Helm, "Overwhelmed by routine tasks: A multitasking principal agent perspective" Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 216.
  • Helm and Wirl, "Multitasking: incentivizing agents differing either in their work ethic or intrinsic motivation" Journal of Economics 132.1: 41-65..
  • C. Helm and M. Mier, "Steering the Energy Transition in a World of Intermittent Electricity Supply: Optimal Subsidiesand Taxes for Renewables and Storage" Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.
  • [article] bibtex
    Carsten Helm and Mathias Mier, "On the efficient market diffusion of intermittent renewable energies" Energy Economics.
    doi: 10.1016/j.eneco.2019.01.017
  • [article] bibtex
    Moritz A. Drupp, Jasper N. Meya, Stefan Baumgärtner, and Martin F. Quaas, "Economic inequality and the value of nature" Ecological Economics, vol. 150.
    doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2018.03.029
  • [article] bibtex
    J. N. Meya and K. Eisenack, "Effectiveness of gaming for communicating and teaching climate change" Climatic Change, vol. 149, iss. 3.
    doi: 10.1007/s10584-018-2254-7
  • [article] bibtex
    J. N. Meya, U. Kornek, and K. Lessmann, "How empirical uncertainties influence the stability of climate coalitions" International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, vol. 18, iss. 2.
    doi: 10.1007/s10784-017-9378-5
  • J. N. Meya and L. Bethlehem, "Global spielen, lokal handeln? Simulation der Rolle von Städten im Klimawandel mit dem digitalen Planspiel KEEP COOL mobil" Die Niedersächsische Gemeinde, iss. 2.
  • [article] bibtex
    Nils Droste and Jasper N. Meya, "Ecosystem services in infrastructure planning a case study of the projected deepening of the Lower Weser river in Germany" Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, vol. 60, iss. 2.
    doi: 10.1080/09640568.2016.1151405
  • Stefan Baumgärtner, Moritz A. Drupp, Jasper N. Meya, Jan M. Munz, and Martin F. Quaas, "Income inequality and willingness to pay for environmental public goods" Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 85.
    doi: 10.1016/j.jeem.2017.04.005
  • [article] bibtex
    A. Lillie and J. N. Meya, "Beitrag der politischen Bildung zur Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung" polis, iss. 1.
  • [article] bibtex
    J. N. Meya and L. Meya, "Das Klima aufs Spiel setzen. Simulation der internationalen Klimaverhandlungen mit dem Planspiel KEEP COOL" GWP - Gesellschaft-Wirtschaft-Politik, iss. 2.
    doi: 10.3224/gwp.v65i2.24022
  • J. N. Meya, N. Droste, and B. Klauer, "Methodische Defizite der Umweltbewertung im Bundesverkehrswegeplan 2030" WasserWirtschaft, iss. 10.
  • J. N. Meya, P. Neetzow, L. Neubauer, and A. Pechan, "Die Menge machts? Das EEG 2017 und die Folgen für die deutsche Energiewende" ET - Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, vol. 66, iss. 11.
  • [article] bibtex
    Carsten Helm and Franz Wirl, "Climate Policies with Private Information: The Case for Unilateral Action" Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, vol. 3, iss. 4.
    doi: 10.1086/688583
  • Carsten Helm and Franz Wirl, "Multilateral externalities: Contracts with private information either about costs or benefits" Economics Letters, vol. 141.
    doi: 10.1016/j.econlet.2016.01.020
  • Marius Paschen, "Dynamic analysis of the German day-ahead electricity spot market" Energy Economics, vol. 59.
    doi: 10.1016/j.eneco.2016.07.019
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    L. Meya and J. N. Meya, "Schuldenstreit. Ein Konferenzspiel zur Griechenlandkrise" polis, iss. 3.
  • Carsten Helm and Stefan Pichler, "Climate Policy with Technology Transfers and Permit Trading" Environmental and Resource Economics, vol. 60.
  • Carsten Helm and Robert C. Schmidt, "Climate cooperation with technology investments and border carbon adjustment" European Economic Review, vol. 75.
    doi: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2015.01.007
  • Carsten Helm and Franz Wirl, "The principalagent model with multilateral externalities: An application to climate agreements" Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 67, iss. 2.
    doi: 10.1016/j.jeem.2013.11.006
  • Carsten Helm and Michael Neugart, "Coalition Governments and Policy Reform with Asymmetric Information" Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), vol. 169, iss. 3.
  • D. Demougin and C. Helm, "Job matching when employment contracts suffer from moral hazard" European Economic Review, vol. 55, iss. 7.
  • J. C. Carbone, C. Helm, and T. F. Rutherford, "The case for international emission trade in the absence of cooperative climate policy" Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 58, iss. 3.
  • Carsten Helm and Anja Schöttner, "Subsidizing Technological Innovations in the Presence of R\&D Spillovers" German Economic Review, vol. 9.
  • C. Böhringer and C. Helm, "On the fair division of greenhouse gas abatement cost" Resource and Energy Economics, vol. 30, iss. 2.
  • C. Helm, "Fair division theory and climate change policy" Environment and Development Economics, vol. 13, iss. 04.
  • C. Helm, "How liable should an exporter be?: The case of trade in hazardous goods" International Review of Law and Economics, vol. 28, iss. 4.
  • Dominique Demougin and Carsten Helm, "Moral Hazard and Bargaining Power" German Economic Review, vol. 7.
  • Dominique Demougin, Claude Fluet, and Carsten Helm, "Output and wages with inequality averse agents" Canadian Journal of Economics, vol. 39, iss. 2.
  • C. Helm, "International emissions trading with endogenous allowance choices" Journal of Public Economics, vol. 87, iss. 12.
  • Carsten Helm and Udo E. Simonis, "Distributive Justice in International Environmental Policy: Axiomatic Foundation and Exemplary Formulation" Environmental Values, vol. 10, iss. 1.
  • Carsten Helm, "On the existence of a cooperative solution for a coalitional game with externalities" International Journal of Game Theory, vol. 30, iss. 1.
  • [article] bibtex
    Carsten Helm and Detlef Sprinz, "Measuring the Effectiveness of International Environmental Regimes" Journal of Conflict Resolution, vol. 44, iss. 5.
    doi: 10.1177/0022002700044005004
  • Carsten Helm, Thomas Bruckner, Gerhard Petschel-Held, Ferenc L. Toth, Hans Martin Füssel, Marian Leimbach, and Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, "Climate Change Decision-Support and the Tolerable Windows Approach" Environmental Modeling and Assessment, vol. 4, iss. 4.
  • Carsten Helm, Thomas Bruckner, and Ferenc Toth, "Value judgments and the choice of climate protection strategies" International Journal of Social Economics, vol. 26, iss. 7/8/9.
  • [article] bibtex
    Detlef F. Sprinz and Carsten Helm, "The Effect of Global Environmental Regimes: A Measurement Concept" International Political Science Review? Revue internationale de science pol, vol. 20, iss. 4.
  • Carsten Helm, "International Cooperation Behind the Veil of Uncertainty – The Case of Transboundary Acidification" Environmental & Resource Economics, vol. 12, iss. 2.
  • Carsten Helm, "Transboundary environmental problems and new trade rules" International Journal of Social Economics, vol. 23, iss. 8.


  • [techreport] bibtex | Go to document
    C. Böhringer and C. Helm, "The Reverse Waterbed Effect of Sector Coupling—Unilateral Climate Policies and Multilateral Emissions Trading" , CESifo Working Paper 10362, 2023.
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    C. Böhringer, C. Helm, and L. Schürer, "How to Boost Countries’ Climate Ambitions: Turning Gains from Emissions Trading into Gains for Climate" , CESifo Working Paper 10624, 2023.
  • [techreport] bibtex | Go to document
    Dominique Demougin and Carsten Helm, "Overwhelmed by Routine Tasks: A Multi-Tasking Principal Agent Perspective" , CESifo Working Paper 9753, 2022.
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    J. N. Meya, M. A. Drupp, S. Baumgärtner, and M. F. Quaas, "Inter- and Intragenerational Distribution and the Valuation of Natural Capital" Presented at SURED 2018 and WCERE 2018,2018.
  • [techreport] bibtex | Go to document
    J. N. Meya, "Environmental inequality and economic valuation" University of Oldenburg, Department of Economics, Working Papers V-416-18, 2018.
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    C. Helm and M. Mier, "Subsidising Renewables but Taxing Storage? Second-Best Policies with Imperfect Carbon Pricing" University of Oldenburg, Department of Economics, Working Papers V-413-18, 2018.
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    K. Eisenack and M. Mier, "Peak-load Pricing with Different Types of Dispatchability" University of Oldenburg, Department of Economics, Working Papers V-411-18, 2018.
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    M. Mier, "Policy Implications of a World with Renewables, Limited Dispatchability, and Fixed Load" University of Oldenburg, Department of Economics, Working Papers V-412-18, 2018.
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    J. Barth, K. Eisenack, U. Feudel, and J. N. Meya, "Dynamic quality regulation of the electricity grid" Presented at EAERE 2017 and IAEE 2017,2017.
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    K. Eisenack and M. Paschen, "Designing long-lived investments under uncertain and ongoing change" University of Oldenburg, Department of Economics, Working Papers V-398-17, 2017.
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    J. N. Meya and K. Eisenack, "Effectiveness of gaming for communicating and teaching climate change" Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, THESys Discussion Paper 2017-3, 2017.
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    J. N. Meya, M. A. Drupp, and N. Hanley, "Income inequality and the international transfer of environmental values" Kiel University, Department of Economics, Economics Working Paper 2017-03, 2017.
  • [techreport] bibtex | Go to document
    C. Helm and M. Mier, "Efficient diffusion of renewable energies: A roller-coaster ride" University of Oldenburg, Department of Economics, Working Papers V-389-16, 2016.
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    M. Paschen, "The effect of intermittent renewable supply on the forward premium in German electricity markets" University of Oldenburg, Department of Economics, Working Papers V-397-16, 2016.
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    C. Helm and F. Wirl, "Climate policies with private information: The case for unilateral action" University of Oldenburg, Department of Economics, Working Papers V-378-15, 2015.
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    C. Helm and F. Wirl, "The Principal-Agent Model with Multilateral Externalities: An Application to Climate Agreements" University of Oldenburg, Department of Economics,2012.
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    C. Helm and S. Pichler, "Climate Policy with Technology Transfers and Permit Trading" University of Oldenburg, Department of Economics, Working Papers V-341-11, 2012.
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    C. Helm and D. Demougin, "Incentive Contracts and Efficient Unemployment Benefits in a Globalized World" University of Oldenburg, Department of Economics, Working Papers V-348-12, 2012.


  • [incollection] bibtex
    N. Marscheider and J. N. Meya, Die internationale Klimapolitik auf dem Smartphone. Globales Lernen am Beispiel des digitalen Planspiels KEEP COOL mobilLeverkusen: Barbara Budrich.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    C. Helm, U. E. Simonis, and F. Biermann, Weltökologie und globale UmweltpolitikFrankfurt: Fischer.
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    C. Helm, A Policy for Trade and the Environment in a Global EconomyDelhi: B.R. Publishing.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    C. Helm and H. Schellnhuber, The Politics of the Science of Climate ChangeBerlin: Parey Buchverlag.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    C. Helm and M. Buck, Das internationale Regime zur Kontrolle des Handels mit gefährlichen AbfällenOpladen: Leske + Budrich.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    C. Helm and U. E. Simonis, Verteilungsgerechtigkeit in der internationalen Umweltpolitik. Theoretische Fundierung und exemplarische FormulierungFrankfurt a.M. Edition suhrkamp.
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    C. Helm, Sustainability and New Economic Policy Options - The Example of International Emissions TradingHeidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
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    C. Helm, Applying Fairness Criteria to the Allocation of Climate Protection Burdens - An Economic PerspectiveLondon: Earthscan.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    C. Helm and H. Schellnhuber, Wissenschaftliche Aussagen zum Klimawandel - Zum politischen Umgang mit objektiv unsicheren Ergebnissen der KlimaforschungBerlin: Parey Buchverlag.
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    C. Helm, Commentary - Criteria for an Equitable Distribution of Internationally Tradeable Emission CertificatesBerlin: Springer-Verlag.
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    C. Helm, Zur gerechten Verteilung der Lasten des Klimaschutzes - Eine ökonomische PerspektiveJülich: Forschungszentrum.
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    C. Helm, Fair play im Treibhaus - Zur gerechten Verteilung von EmissionsrechtenBerlin: edition sigma.
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    C. Helm, Neue Themen für die WTO in der Globalisierung - Wettbewerbsordnung, Sozialstandards und UmweltschutzbestimmungenBonn: J.H.W. Dietz.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    C. Helm, F. Biermann, and S. Büttner, Elemente der Zukunftsfähigkeit - Eine EinleitungBerlin: edition sigma.
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    C. Helm, Umwelt- und Handelspolitik in einer globalisierten WirtschaftBerlin: edition sigma.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    C. Helm, Weltumweltpolitik und ökonomische TheorieBerlin: edition sigma.
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