Applications for enrolment in multiple programs of study (coll. "Doppelstudium")
Enrolment regulations
Here you will find the matriculation regulations of Carl von Ossietzky University [German].
Section 9 of the matriculation regulations is relevant to your request.
Applications for enrolment in multiple programs of study (coll. "Doppelstudium")
Applications for enrolment in multiple programs of study (coll. "Doppelstudium")
Are you studying a degree programme with restricted admissions and would like to enrol in another degree programme with restricted admissions at the University of Oldenburg (coll. "Doppelstudium")? At least one of the two degree programmes is offered by Faculty II? Then please note the following:
- Please submit an application by email to the Dean of Studies of Faculty II, enclosing a Stud.IP printout of the modules taken in the current semester and a Transcript of Records.
- In addition, please provide a well-founded explanation of why the additional course of study is a meaningful addition to your previous studies.
- Please state in which semester you would like to complete which modules of your 2 degree programmes.
Contact for questions and submission of your application: -