
  • Please contact us by e-mail via one of our two support addresses, depending on your request.
  • If you wish to contact us by phone, please call us at the numbers listed below. Alternatively, you can e-mail us to arrange an appointment for a telefone call.
  • Our usual office hours are from 9am to 5:30pm. If we are not available, you can always reach us by mail.

HPC Support

Research Data Management

Dr. Stefan Harfst

+49 (0)441 798-3147

JJW 2-214


Dr. Johannes Vosskuhl

+49 (0)441 798-3576

JJW 2-217


Fynn Schwietzer

 +49 (0)441 798-3287

 JJW 2-217



Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
Johann-Justus-Weg 147a
D-26127 Oldenburg


  • [Translate to English:]

Newsletter September 2021

HPC newsletter from September (2021)

Dear HPC users,

we have compiled another newsletter for you with HPC related topics, except for the third news item, which is about the need for tutors for the upcoming Programming Course C++ (feel free to forward this information also to non-HPC users):

  1. HPC Course (reminder): The next three-day course “Introduction to HPC” has been scheduled for September 20th to 22nd from 10am to 17pm. The course will be given online with BigBlueButton and the agenda for the full course is as follows:

    Day 1 – Introduction to HPC (HPC Cluster, Job Scheduler, …)
    Day 2 – Parallel Programming
    Day 3 – Using Matlab on the HPC Cluster

    Therefore, each day targets a different audience and it is perfectly ok to only participate in the sessions that suit your particular needs. If interested, please sign up for the course in Stud.IP (the course id is 5.WR.1037). More information about the course is also available in the HPC wiki.

  2. Requesting Accounts for HLRN: As you may know, as a member of the University of Oldenburg you are entitled to use the high-performance compute clusters EMMY and LISE of the HLRN. To get an account there, you first have to fill out and sign an application online. The application will then be forwarded via the institute/department to Stefan Harfst who is the local consultant for the HLRN. The exact procedure is described in the HPC Wiki.
  3. Tutors for C++-programming course needed: Not strictly HPC, but the Physics Department is still looking for tutors for the Programming Course C++ (pb262, 5.04.255). If you are interested, please contact for more details. Application is possible via the Physics Department (page is only in German, ignore the deadline).
  4. Dates: Please take note following upcoming
    * Introduction to HPC course: September 20th to 22nd, 10 am – 17 pm (online)
    * Parallel Programming Workshop: October 11th - 15th (by HLRS, online, small fee)
    * Meeting of the HPC user representatives: September 24th at 10 am (online)
    * Deadline for HLRN proposals: October, 28th
  5. Software News: The following modules are now available on hpc-env/8.3:
  • SALOME/9.7.0-GCCcore-8.3.0-Python-3.7.4
  • ElmerFEM/9.0-foss-2019b
  • canu/2.1.1-GCCcore-8.3.0
  • minimap2/2.22-GCCcore-8.3.0
  • fluka/2021.2.1-Singularity
  • OpenFOAM/9-gimkl-2019b
  • SPAdes/3.15.3-GCC-8.3.0-Python-3.7.4
  • parallel/20210322-GCCcore-8.3.0
  • Biopython/1.78-foss-2019b-Python-3.7.4
  • MCScanX/10.2020-GCCcore-8.3.0
  • FastANI/1.33-GCC-8.3.0
  • Lua/5.3.5-GCCcore-8.3.0
  • osrm-backend/5.25.0-foss-2019b
  • Lumerical/2021-R2.1-2779 *
    * All previous versions will be deleted because they can’t interact with the new license server.
  • … and much more packages! So you might want to take a look at our software page, should you need one or two dependency updates.

The list above might not be complete, you can always search for software with the command “module spider <softwarename>”.

The next newsletter is planned for October.

Best wishes and happy computing

Your HPC team

(Changed: 02 Aug 2024)  | 
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