
For questions regarding programmes for early career researchers and qualification offers: 

Advisor for the promotion of early career researchers in medicine

Dr. Monika Frenzel-Herrmann

+49 (0)441 798-4859

n. V.

Vice Dean for Research

Prof. Dr. Anja Bräuer

+49 (0)441 798-3995

For questions regarding doctoral and habilitation procedures: 

Academic Procedures Team

Clinician and Medical Scientist

The UMO supports doctors and non-medical scientists in their further qualification within the post-doctoral (junior) clinician/medical scientist funding programmes.

(Junior) Clinician Scientist Programme

for doctors in training and (specialist) doctors.

Prof. Dr. Anja Bräuer

Scientific Director of the Core Facility "Microscopy” and Director of the Department of Anatomy in the Department of Human Medicine

"The programmes offer an excellent opportunity to promote scientifically committed physicians at an early stage, but also in the long term, with optimal framework conditions.

Medical Scientist Programme

for non-clinicians working in medical research

Dr. Jessica Koschate

Medical Scientist in Geriatrics at the Department for Health Services Research

" I think it's great that in addition to my teaching responsibilities within our department, I have the opportunity to work on a clinical topic.”

Dr. Verena Uslar

Medical Scientist in the Department of Primary and Visceral Surgery at the Pius Hospital.

"I believe that the Medical Scientist Programme, especially as it is now being established, offers a great opportunity to provide support for these last career steps on the way to habilitation."

(Changed: 11 Sep 2024)  | 
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