
Dr. Janina Lange
Manager NUM Local Coordination Unit (LCU) (German: LokS)

+49 441 798-5261

V03 A307

More Opportunities for NUM Participation

Discipline- and Organ-specific Working Groups (FOSA)

The Discipline- and Organ-specific Working Groups (FOSAs) have the intention to support and promote (inter-)disciplinary exchange and communication within and between a wide range of medical disciplines.

In addition to the exchange with colleagues, the members of the FOSAs also have the opportunity to actively shape the NUM by commenting on data sets and applications, and by reviewing and assessing them. Furthermore, the FOSA spokespersons form the expert advisory board, which meets regularly and supports the development of the NUM on an interdisciplinary level.

FOSAs are open to all interested researchers. Youcan join an existing FOSA at any time or express your interest in founding a new one.

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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