Important tips

Subject-specific student advice

If you have questions about the content of the degree programme or career orientation, you can obtain information from the academic counsellors for the individual subjects and degree programmes.

Subject-specific student advice for Engineering Physics (Bachelor's Programme)

Prof. Dr. Simon Doclo

Signalverarbeitung - Signal processing

+49 441 798-3344  (F&P

W30 311


Martin Reck

+49 441 798-3560  (F&P

W2 1-182

Dienstag 10:00 - 12:00 und Mittwoch 12:00 - 14:00


Dr. rer. nat. Sandra Koch

04921 807-1489

04921 807-1593

Hochschule Emden/Leer, T219

Termine und Buchung in meinem stud.ip-Profil / Dates and booking via my stud.ip-profile (please email when fully booked; meeting currently per video-chat, I will send instructions upon booking)

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