Advisory services for prospective students
Student InfoLine
SSC InfoDesk
Netiquette for requests by e-mail
For personal enquiries please have your student ID or application number ready on hand.
Advisory services for prospective students
As a prospective student, you will probably have many questions about university life. Thankfully, there are many different specialist organisations at the University of Oldenburg that can help you.
The information on this page will help you find the right contact person sorted by service facility or by topic below.
Student representatives
- Information about the curriculum and organisation of the degree programme
- Opportunities to share personal experiences
Subject-specific student advice
- Specific guidance and advice regarding the content of the degree programme
- Information and advice regarding individual modules
- Information and advice regarding the structure of degree programme
- Information and advice predominantly related to the specific subject of the degree programme
Admissions Office
- Assistance with applications and admissions
- Advice on studying with and without a university entrance qualification (for people with a German education background)
- Guidance and information regarding the admission procedure and enrolment
InfoService at Division 3
You can contact the SSC’s InfoDesk and InfoLine Studiumby telephone, in person and in writing for all matters concerning the University’s student services (Division 3).
These service points can help you with brief enquiries regarding the following topics:
- The University of Oldenburg’s degree programmes
- Admission requirements, subject combinations for teaching degrees
- Application deadlines and procedures
- General deadlines and dates
- NC dates
- Switching subjects, degree programmes and universities
- Studying without a university entrance qualification, eligibility for university studies
- Checking and issuing forms and application documents
- Events for prospective students
International Office (IO)
- Assistance with initial enquiries from international exchange students and doctoral candidates
- Advice for refugees who are interested in studying and for participants of the orientation year (programme to prepare refugees for higher education in Germany)
Study and Career Counselling Service (ZSKB)
The ZSKB provides advice and support to all prospective students, regardless of the degree programme you want to study, taking into account your own personal situation. You can contact the ZSKB for information on the following topics:
- Study orientation
- Deciding on a degree programme
- Access to higher education for people with a German education background (e.g. studying without a university entrance qualification, switching from work to studying (the ‘Vom Beruf ins Studium’ programme) (in German)
- Completing your studies successfully and achieving your professional aspirations
- Organising your studies and challenges at the start of your degree programme
The ZSKB provides individual support during open consultation hours and scheduled appointments
Information for refugees
Refugees who are interested in studying
- Advice for refugees who are interested in studying
- Participants of the orientation year (programme to prepare refugees for higher education in Germany)
Student council’s assistance for refugee students
- Information about studying and the university (finding a place to live, planning your studies, Stud.IP, financing, etc.)
- Information about integration and participation opportunities at the university
- Language support (e.g. writing/filling in applications)
- Information about (language) support programmes offered by the university (learning and writing workshops, buddy programme, tandem partners, etc.)
- Support and mediation in (asylum) legal procedures (where possible)
- Other study-related issues (e.g. support for a project idea at the university)
- If necessary, referral to other counselling services both at and outside the University (the Student Council’s social counselling service, psychological counselling service, asylum support centres, etc.)
HGAS - University group of international students
- General information and advice for international students at the University of Oldenburg
- Legal advice on visas/residence permits, accommodation and employment laws
- Seminars and events on issues regarding foreign nationals
- Support for international students with their projects or events
- Promotion of good relations between international and German students and citizens
- Advice on social problems faced by international students
Jobs and finances
Financing your studies
- Information about available options for financing your studies
- Analysis of your own situation, financial plan (potentially including sources of funding other than loans)
- Information on various scholarships and loans (government and personal loans)
BAföG office
- Advice on BAföG eligibility
- Assistance completing the application form
- Assistance submitting documents
Social counselling
- Advice on and support regarding various social benefits available to first-semester students, part-time students, students on leave of absence
- Students who are parents: Overall assessment of and advice on interrelated social benefits
- Jobs: Social security, taxes, paid jobs, etc.
- Not eligible for BAföG: Housing allowance assessments based on various financial situations
- Statutory health insurance
- Study fees and television and radio licence fees
Student housing
Student housing department (Studentenwerk Oldenburg)
- Accommodation in Studentenwerk complexes
- Information about the application process
Studying with a disability
The University of Oldenburg provides students with a medical impairment a wide range of support services and information on a number of topics – from arranging support measures, organising your studies and accessing practical help to laws and recommendations.
Disability advice service
- Information about financial support available when studying with a disability
- Support measures for studying with a disability
- Information about the existence of a disability or chronic illness
- Networking possibilities
Disability representative
- Advice on organising your studies around a disability and support measures
- General information regarding disability and university policy, e.g. accessibility at the university
BeRef - Autonomous office for students with a disability or chronic illness
Advice and support for students with a disability, chronic physical or mental illness or an acute illness or disability (e.g. following an accident):
- Initial consultation
- Support measures
- Free-time activities
- Studying and organising your studies
- Self-awareness groups
BeRef – Autonomous office for students with a disability or chronic illness
Studying with a family
Family service
Information and personalised advice for prospective students
- With children
- Who are pregnant/expecting fathers
- Who are responsible for the long-term care of close relatives
Information and advice for the above-mentioned groups regarding
- The organisation and financing of your studies
- The available support measures and hardship provisions
- Networking possibilities
- Childcare facilities
- Practical help, laws and internal regulations to help you achieve a good balance between care responsibilities and studying