
Student InfoLine

+49 (0)441 798-2728

Mo – Th  9:30 am to 4:00 pm
Fr             9:30 am to 12:00 noon

SSC InfoDesk

Student Service Centre – A12

Mo, Wed   9.30 am to 12.00 noon
Tu, Th        9.30 am to 16.30 pm
Fr               closed

Netiquette for requests by e-mail

For personal enquiries please have your student ID or application number ready on hand.

University e-mail

Please read your university e-mails regularly (daily!) and only communicate in the university context via this e-mail address.

Advisory services for students

During your time at university, you will probably have many questions about your studies and university life. Thankfully, there are many different specialist organisations at the University of Oldenburg that can help you.

The information on this page will help you find the right contact person sorted by service facility in alphabetical order or by topic below.

Academic Examinations Office

The Academic Examinations Office provides information on all matters relating to examinations, including:

  • Registering for and admission to examinations
  • Publication of examination results
  • Withdrawing from examinations
  • Granting support measures
  • Creating grade lists, degree certificates and transcripts
  • Recognition of study periods and examinations

Academic Examinations Office

Student council (AStA)

The AStA is a self-governing body of students that represents the interests of students at universities. It also offers numerous counselling services:

  • Assistance with issues with the Academic Examinations Office
  • Assistance with issues with the Admissions Office
  • Assistance appealing against a grade, exceeding the assessment period
  • Information about re-registration, enrolment, ex-matriculation
  • Application issues
  • Switching degree programmes
  • Attendance checks
  • Active participation
  • Plagiarism
  • Crowded rooms
  • Internships
  • Offers for students with children

AStA (in German)

Alumni Relations

  • Anything that connects alumni and alumnae with their alma mater
  • Information of any kind on the subject of alumni
  • Networking requests
  • Hints, greetings and suggestions for improving our programme

Alumni Relations

Autonomous Office for Students with a Disability or Chronic Illnesss

The Autonomous Office for Disabled and Chronically Ill Students represents the interests of all students who are disadvantaged in their studies due to their impairments. The BeRef is committed to a barrier-free university and equal rights for disabled and chronically ill students and helps with problems in everyday university life during consultation hours.

Office for Students with a Disability or Chronic Illnesss

Endspurt (The final stretch) – finishing your studies

Endspurt provides advice for long-term students who are delayed in their studies, university policy, e.g.

  • Difficulties combining family, work and studies
  • Illness
  • Financial difficulties
  • Difficulties with time management and self-organisation
  • Issues using scientific working methods
  • Lack of contact with teaching staff
  • Personal barriers

Endspurt also offers the following support:

  • Assistance getting in touch with the right contact people and support services at your School
  • Solution-oriented analysis of your study progress so far, taking into account your individual situation
  • Development of realistic objectives
  • Individual counselling, coaching sessions and group programmes to help you with day-to-day student life
  • Networking opportunities with other students
  • Workshops to improve study skills and to help you to prepare for exams


Student representatives

  • Information about the curriculum and organisation of the degree programme
  • Opportunities to share personal experiences

List of student representatives

Subject-specific student advice

If you have any questions about the content of the degree programme and the course of study, you can obtain information from the student advisory service for the individual subjects and degree programmes.

  • Specific guidance and advice regarding the content of the degree programme
  • Information and advice regarding individual modules
  • Information and advice regarding the structure of degree programme
  • Information and advice predominantly related to the specific subject of the degree programme

List of subject-specific student advisory services

Family service

Information and personalised advice for

  • Students with children
  • Who are pregnant/expecting fathers
  • Students who care for relatives

Information and advice for the above-mentioned groups regarding

  • The organisation and financing of your studies
  • The available support measures and hardship provisions
  • Networking possibilities
  • Childcare facilities
  • Practical help, laws and internal regulations to help you achieve a good balance between care responsibilities and studying

Family service

Admissions Office

The Enrolment Office is responsible for the application procedure, the allocation of study places and enrolment (matriculation) and provides information on, for example:

  • Advice and information on organisational matters related to being a student (e.g. re-registration, leave of absence, ex-matriculation, the CampusCard, semester fees, part-time study, etc.)
  • Assistance with applications and admissions for graduate programmes
  • Advice and information on maternity leave for students: assistance with the relevant administration (registering maternity leave, forwarding documentation)

Admissions Office

InfoService at Division 3

At the InfoDesk in the SSC (A12) and at the InfoLine Studies, you can obtain initial information on all matters concerning the central student service (Department 3) in person, by telephone or by e-mail.

Facilities of Department 3 are

I-Amt - Admissions Office
IO - International Office
P-Amt - Academic Examination Office
ZSKB - Study and Career Counselling Service

The InfoService can help you with brief enquires on the following topics:

  • Anything and everything to do with the university
  • Applications for higher semesters
  • Enrolment
  • Switching subjects, degree programmes and universities
  • Part-time studies
  • Examination regulations
  • Semester documents, leave of absence, ex-matriculation, re-registration, semester fees
  • Checking and issuing forms
  • Events for students

InfoService at Division 3

International Office (IO)

The International Office advises and supports international students at the University of Oldenburg as well as Oldenburg students who would like to study abroad.

  • Information and advice on stays abroad and funding for stays abroad
  • Information and advice for exchange students about their semester abroad in Oldenburg
  • Information and advice for international students who are completing their entire degree programme in Oldenburg

International Office

Study and teaching coordinators

  • Contact point for all matters relating to your studies at the School
  • Information and advice on individual study planning
  • Information and advice on specialisation modules
  • Information and advice on acquiring professional skills

List of coordinators

PLAR - Recognition of professional competences

  • Support with the recognition of competencies acquired during professional activities as part of the PLAR procedure, taking the personal circumstances into account

PLAR-Service (in German)

Psychological counselling service (PBS)

At the PBS you will find competent contact persons if you are looking for solutions to challenging situations in your studies or in your life outside the university:

  • Study problems due to personal factors (e.g. exam nerves, procrastination, self-esteem problems, etc.)
  • Guidance and advice on all kinds of personal crises or psychological problems

In addition, the PBS offers many programmes and workshops on study-related topics, for example concentration during studies, mindfulness, coping with exams, etc.

The offer is free of charge and confidential!

Psychological counselling service (in German)

Scholarships service centre

  • Call for applications, coordination and advice for the following scholarships:
    • National scholarship programme (Deutschlandstipendium)
    • Lower Saxony state scholarship
    • Dr. h.c. Peter Waskönig Foundation
    • Dr. Dettling Foundation
    • Anna Magull Foundation
    • Floyd and Lilli Biava Foundation
    • Heinz Neumüller Foundation
  • Advice on scholarships in general
  • Networking requests (programmes for outstanding students, education sponsors)

Scholarship service centre

Health and safety unit

  • Promotes the safety and health of all students at the university
  • Organises first-aiders, the fire safety team and safety officers
  • Cooperates with the university doctor (occupational medical care)
  • Contact point for the Landesunfallkasse (Lower Saxony Accident Insurance Fund) in Hannover
  • Provides assistance during risk assessments (particularly in the case of pregnancy)
  • Ensures an ergonomic workplace
  • Provides personal protective equipment
  • Ensures safety at events
  • Performs workplace inspections
  • Monitors occupational health and safety measures e.g. accident investigations, in-house occupational management, PPE testing, etc.)

Health and safety unit (in German)

Studierendenwerk Oldenburg

The Studierendenwerk Oldenburg offers a wide range of services for students. In addition to canteens, halls of residence and café bars, there is also a wide range of counselling services, e.g:

  • Student finance counselling
  • Housing counselling
  • Social counselling
  • Counselling for chronically ill and disabled students

Studierendenwerk Oldenburg

Study and Career Counselling Service (ZSKB)

The Study and Career Counselling Service advises and supports students, graduates and doctoral candidates in all (interdisciplinary) questions relating to their studies and the transition to a career, taking into account the social context of the person seeking advice.

Information and orientation events on study-related topics and workshops on academic work round off the programme.

  • Student Counselling
    • Planning and organising your studies and the final phase of your degree programme
    • Challenges during your studies
    • Switching to a different degree programme/university and doubts about your choice of programme
    • Acquisition of additional (professional) skills
  • The ZSKB-Lernwerkstatt:
    • Academic writing skills, questions and workshops about scientific methods
  • Career counselling service (up to one year after graduation)
  • Advice for doctoral candidates

The ZSKB organises individual consultations, workshops and lecture series for students.

It provides individual support during open consultation hours and scheduled appointments

Study and Career Counselling Service (ZSKB)

Centre for teacher training and didactics (DiZ)

  • Assistance organising school placements as part of the dual-subject Bachelor’s degree programme with teacher training and the Master of Education
  • Issues relating to teacher training programmes offered in collaboration with the University of Bremen
  • Themed information events, e.g. on teacher training (Referendariat)
  • Information events organised as part of orientation week
  • Provision of information via the website and other documentation regarding teacher training
  • Additional extracurricular activities for trainee teachers

Centre for teacher training and didactics (in German)

Career guidance and career planning

Study and Career Counselling Service (ZSKB)

  • Advice on potential careers (career orientation) and career planning
  • Assistance in identifying and developing your own professional goals
  • Assistance in developing career prospects, identifying opportunities and planning career paths
  • Analysis of your strengths and skills
  • Guidance on strategies for job applications
  • Advice on potential future careers and projects for internships abroad

It provides individual support during open consultation hours and scheduled appointments

Study and Career Counselling Service (in German)

Support for students at the School of Educational and Social Sciences (School 1)

Support available for students of Educational Sciences, Special Needs Education and Rehabilitation and Social Sciences (School 1):

  • Guidance in the search for and organisation of internships, especially for students who would like to work in non-school environments
  • Career planning
  • Assistance in finding and applying for jobs
  • Extra-curricular programme to acquire key competences and additional qualifications

Support for students at the School of Educational and Social Sciences

Equality, discrimination and bullying

conTakt - counselling centre for sexual discrimination and violence

  • Counselling and support if you experience sexual discrimination or violence
  • Assistance confidentially reporting an incident you have observed
  • Advice on what to do if you experience or observe sexual discrimination or violence
  • Information on prevention and intervention

conTakt - counselling centre for sexual discrimination and violence

Equality and diversity officer

  • Provides support in the event of discrimination or unfavourable treatment at the university (both for employees and students)
  • Arranges an initial counselling session for victims of sexual discrimination
  • Provides assistance and advice to female students, graduates and doctoral candidates, especially regarding career opportunities in areas in which women are underrepresented (STEM subjects: Mathematics, Computer Science, Natural and Technical Sciences)
  • Organises coaching sessions to help prepare for appointment procedures
  • Provides support to the Schools’ Equality and Diversity Officers, administration departments and university-wide institutions

Equality and diversity officer (in German)

Student council services for discrimination and bullying

  • Assistance and support in all cases of discrimination
  • Support services for exclusion and bullying
  • Support services unequal treatment

The Student council’s initial contact point in the event of discrimination (in German)

FemRef – Independent Student Union for Female Students

  • Assistance and advice on experiences of sexism or discrimination on the basis of gender and sexuality at the University
  • Financial support for
    • Female, lesbian, inter-, trans- and non-binary (FLITNB; FrauenLesbenInterTransNonbinary) students at the University
  • Organises queer-feminist groups/projects

FemRef (in German)

SchwuRef – Independent LGBTQI+ Student Union

  • Advice on coming out at University and in your personal life
  • Support and advice on gay/queer university life
  • Support and advice in the event of discrimination based on sexual orientation
  • Advice on applying for study-related funding
  • Assistance for students who want to organise their own events

SchwuRef (in German)

Information for refugees

Refugees who are interested in studying

  • Advice for refugees who are interested in studying
  • Participants of the orientation year (programme to prepare refugees for higher education in Germany)

International Office (IO)

Student council’s assistance for refugee students

  • Information about studying and the university (finding a place to live, planning your studies, Stud.IP, financing, etc.)
  • Information about integration and participation opportunities at the university
  • Language support (e.g. writing/filling in applications)
  • Information about (language) support programmes offered by the university (learning and writing workshops, buddy programme, tandem partners, etc.)
  • Support and mediation in (asylum) legal procedures (where possible)
  • Other study-related issues (e.g. support for a project idea at the university)
  • If necessary, referral to other counselling services both at and outside the university (the Student Council’s social counselling service, psychological counselling service, asylum support centres, etc.)

Student council’s assistance (in German)

HGAS – University group of international students

  • General information and advice for international students at the University of Oldenburg
  • Legal advice on visas/residence permits, accommodation and employment law
  • Seminars and events on issues regarding foreign nationals
  • Support for international students with their projects or events
  • Promotion of good relations between international and German students and citizens
  • Advice on social problems faced by international students

HGAS (in German)

Advice for doctoral candidates

As part of the University’s Study and Career Counselling Service (ZSKB), we support and advise prospective and current doctoral candidates on the following topics:

  • Deciding on a doctoral programme
  • Career prospects in the world of academia and beyond
  • Issues during the doctoral process

Advice for doctoral candidates

Jobs and finances

BAföG office

  • Advice on BAföG eligibility
  • Assistance completing the application form
  • Assistance submitting documents

BAföG office

Social counselling

  • Advice on and support regarding various social benefits available to first-semester students, part-time students, students on leave of absence or graduates
  • Students who are parents: Overall assessment of and advice on interrelated social benefits
  • Jobs: Social security, taxes, paid jobs, etc.
  • Not eligible for BAföG: Housing allowance assessments based on various financial situations
  • Statutory health insurance
  • Study fees and television and radio licence fees

Social counselling (in German)

The student council’s social counselling service

  • BAföG (application procedure, reasons for extension, switching degree programmes, repayment arrangements)
  • Studying with children
  • Studying and Hartz IV (social benefits, additional needs)
  • Housing allowance
  • Problems with the Bachelor’s/Master’s degree
  • Problems regarding degree programmes that will be discontinued
  • Tuition fees
  • Loans to help with short-term financial difficulties
  • Part-time work (social security)

The student council’s social counselling service (in German)

Financing your studies

  • Information about available options for financing your studies
  • Analysis of your own situation, financial plan (potentially including sources of funding other than loans)
  • Information on various scholarships and loans (government and personal loans)

Financing your studies (in German)

Students at Work. Campus Office for the University and Trade Unions Cooperation Centre

  • Advice on issues relating to working while studying
  • Support with issues and problems regarding part-time jobs, e.g. social security and employment law issues
  • Information on rights and obligations during the internship

Students at work (in German)

SLC – Student Legal Consulting

  • Support with all legal issues and problems
  • Helping people to help themselves’
  • Neutral and impartial advice
  • Assistance in writing official (government) documents
  • Non-binding advice free of charge and with no contractual obligations

Student Legal Consulting (in German)

Student housing

Student housing department (Studierendenwerk Oldenburg)

  • Accommodation in Studierendenwerk complexes
  • Information about the application process

Living in Oldenburg

Student council housing

  • “Homeshare” accommodation project
  • All you need to know about finding accommodation
  • Accommodation-related advice and information (problems with the landlord, etc.)

Student council housing (in German)

Studying with a disability

The University of Oldenburg provides students with a medical impairment a wide range of support services and information on a number of topics – from arranging support measures, organising your studies and accessing practical help to laws and recommendations.

For disabled students and students with a chronic illness

Disability advice service

For students with a disability, chronic physical or mental illness or an acute illness or disability (e.g. following an accident):

  • Compensation for disadvantages during studies
  • Help with finding accommodation
  • Student financing (BAföG, tuition fees, scholarships, child benefit, additional needs due to disability)
  • Personal help/assistance
  • Coping with disability/future prospects


Disability advice service

BeRef – Autonomous office for students with a disability or chronic illness

Advice and support for students with a disability, chronic physical or mental illness or an acute illness or disability (e.g. following an accident):

  • Initial consultation
  • Support measures
  • Free-time activities
  • Studying and organising your studies
  • Self-awareness groups

BeRef - Autonomous office for students with a disability or chronic illness

Studying with a family

Family service

Information and personalised advice for

  • students with children
  • Who are pregnant/expecting fathers
  • Students who care for relatives

Information and advice for the above-mentioned groups regarding

  • The organisation and financing of your studies
  • The available support measures and hardship provisions
  • Networking possibilities
  • Childcare facilities
  • Practical help, laws and internal regulations to help you achieve a good balance between care responsibilities and studying

Family service

Maternity leave for students

This department provides information and advice on issues relating to the health and safety of pregnant and breastfeeding students. It also:

  • Helps students to notify their degree programme of their pregnancy
  • Prepares risk assessments so that pregnant and breastfeeding students can continue to participate in course units
  • Makes arrangements for pregnant students to sit examinations and access support measures and hardship provisions

Maternity leave for students

Student council - Studying with children

  • Help organising your studies
  • Information and advice on funding opportunities
  • Support measures
  • Family-friendly university, e.g. parent-child room
  • Referrals to specialist agencies

Studying with children (in German)

The University start-up centre

We advise and support all students, graduates and doctoral candidates at the University of Oldenburg, regardless of their degree programme. We provide targeted support to students interested in setting up their own business, to help them translate their ideas, technologies and research results into potential business ideas.

  • Start-up support and coaching throughout all phases of the business cycle – from the preparation and start-up phases to going to market and the growth phase.
  • Advice on applying for subsidies (e.g. the EXIST start-up grant and the EXIST Transfer of Research programme)
  • Advice on patents and property rights
  • Qualifications through workshops and events

The GIZ organises individual consultations, workshops and networking opportunities for students.

Founding and Innovation Centre (GIZ)

SSC - the Student Service Center

The Student Service Centre (SSC) at the University of Oldenburg is the first point of contact for prospective students, students, graduates and applicants.

Advisory services in the SSC

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