Phone: Office ZFG
Karola Gebauer
+49 (0)441/798 4316
Book Publication

Geschlechterwissen in und zwischen den Disziplinen.
Perspektiven der Kritik an akademischer Wissensproduktion.
edited by Barbara Paul, Corinna Bath and Silke Wenk, Bielefeld: transcript 2020
Book Publication
The most important results of the joint research project have been published in a co-authored monograph:
Geschlechterwissen in und zwischen den Disziplinen.
Perspektiven der Kritik an akademischer Wissensproduktion
[Gender Knowledge in and between the Disciplines.
Critical Perspectives on Academic Knowledge Production],
edited by Barbara Paul, Corinna Bath and Silke Wenk, Bielefeld: transcript 2020
(= Studien Interdisziplinäre Geschlechterforschung [Research in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies], Vol. 10, ed. by the Centre for Interdisciplinary Women’s and Gender Studies at Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg)
With contributions by Corinna Bath, Göde Both, Smilla Ebeling, Reinhild Feldhaus, Melanie Nowak, Barbara Paul, Silke Wenk and Anja Zimmermann.
Gender knowledge is generated in and between the disciplines – as a critique of academic knowledge production and with the goal of transformation. The contributors to this volume analyse conditions and possibilities for intervening knowledge of gender and its significance for the fields of computer sciences, natural sciences / biology, and art history in the Federal Republic of Germany since the 1970s. They discuss how participation is a necessary but tenuous prerequisite for change, and which dissenting practices have been developed. At the centre of the analyses is a questioning of academic structures and disciplinary foundations, processes of institutionalisation, and debates about interdisciplinary work.
Find more information on the publisher’s website.
Review on H-Soz-Kult (only in German)