Scientific Assistant
Dr. Wieland Heim
Institute for Biology and Environmental Sciences (» Postal address)
Funded by
Pesticides & bird migration
Migratory birds as carriers of pesticides
Worldwide, pesticide application has increased, but little is known regarding the effects of these substances on migratory birds, and whether migratory birds could act as carriers transporting pesticides to distant locations.
As information on accidentally spread pesticides by migrating birds is currently only available for selected persistent substances, we lack a comprehensive understanding of the ecological functions of migratory birds as carriers of pesticides.
On top of that, any pesticide effects on the birds´ migratory performance are concerning because delays and disruptions to migration can have cascading negative effects on breeding success and survival.
It is unknown for most pesticides if they entail immediate fitness costs for free-flying migratory birds by affecting body condition and migration performance, and whether these could lead to delayed fitness costs, such as reduced survival rates in carriers of pesticides.
This project aims to investigate the transport of pesticides by migratory birds and the effects of pesticides on body condition, migration behaviour and survival.
The project is based on a cooperation with the Julius Kühn-Institut - Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants and is making use of the Motus radio telemetry network.
Esther A, Schenke D, Heim W (2022) Non-Invasively Collected Fecal Samples as Indicator of Multiple Pesticide Exposure in Wild Birds. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 41: 201-207 []