
Human medicine application - Admissions Office

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Human medicine degree programme – general information

Model degree programme in Human Medicine – Information from School VI

Hochschulstart – Foundation for University Admissions (only available in German)

Human Medicine (State Examination) - Application

Thank you very much for your interest in studying Human Medicine at the University of Oldenburg!

In the winter semester 2012/13, the University of Oldenburg launched a model degree programme in Human Medicine culminating in the State Examination. The European Medical School Oldenburg-Groningen is a German-Dutch cooperation project between the University of Oldenburg and the University of Groningen.

In Germany, the procedure for applications for a place on a Human Medicine course and selection of students is centralised rather than handled directly by the universities. However, it depends on your nationality as well as where you acquired your higher education entrance qualification whether you need to apply to the Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung (Hochschulstart) or to uni-assist e. V. We have compiled an overview to help you find the right application procedure.

If you have already started your study programme at a different university and would like to switch to Oldenburg, you can apply for a higher semester. In this case, you must apply via an online portal of the University of Oldenburg.

On the following pages you can find more information on the application and admission procedure:

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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