
Michaela Klonczynski

Admissions Office
A12 1-107

+49 (0)441 – 798 4515

Campus map of SSC

Only Bachelor's Programme Pedagogic acting in migration society:

Gernot Lucks

Admissions Office
A12 1-108

+49 (0)441 – 798 2517

Campus map of SSC

Bachelor’s programmes - How to apply with an international degree

1. Find a suitable degree course

Please inform yourself about the degree programmes offered by the University of Oldenburg.

2. Be aware of the application deadline

Deadlines for Bachelor programmes vary. Please check the deadline for your Bachelor’s programme.

Bachelor's programme
- Dual-Subject Bachelor's programme

The following application deadlines apply to applicants who require the preparatory German course or a Studienkolleg before starting their degree programme:

Application deadline for the winter term 15.07.
Application deadline for the summer term 15.01.

For applicants who need a visa, it is in your own interest to apply three months before the application deadline to make sure that you can begin your studies on time.

3. Online application through uni–assist e.V.

- for all applicants with international degree -

The core task of uni-assist e.V. is the evaluation of international school/ university certificates in regard to their equivalence to German school/ university degrees.

The evaluation of your documents through uni-assist e.V. takes about 4 weeks.

4. Acceptance

The admission decisions for bachelor’s degree courses are made by the admissions office and takes about 3 weeks. (For degree courses with admission restriction, these 3 weeks start with the end of application deadline.)

Admission decisions are send by email as soon as the admissions office is informed about the decisions.

5. Enrolment

After you have been accepted, you need to come to the admissions office and bring the documents mentioned in your admission letter to enrol for your degree course before the enrolment deadline.

Enrolment deadline for the winter term 01.10.
Enrolment deadline for the summer term 01.04.
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