With regard to its own research, the Social Pedagogy/Diversity Education Department moves on the one hand within the orienting frameworks developed by Faculty I (Education and Social Sciences) and the Institute of Education.
This involves the faculty's research focus on participation and education and the Institute's research focus on subject development and educational trajectories in social diversity and inequality, to which we feel very close. On the other hand, we try to acquire research funds (also on a daily basis, so to speak) that can encompass all fields of Social Work and its addressees, whereby we always pay special attention to a perspective that can be described as critical diversity.
Research projects in the area of difference ratios
The research projects of the specialist group Diversity-conscious Social Pedagogy deal with current and central topics of pedagogy and in particular social pedagogy/social work.
In the broad spectrum of the projects' focus, questions relevant to society as a whole are dealt with, including the topics of migration, relations of difference, critical diversity, (global) social justice, gender relations, sexualised violence, racism, right-wing extremism and anti-semitism.
The research projects are characterised by methodological diversity and a reflective attitude towards their own research goals as well as the integration of intersectional perspectives. In the conception and implementation of the research projects, the members of the department are networked with other universities and institutions in Germany as well as in international cooperation. The projects also show a clear connection to the (overarching) research focus Participation and Education of Faculty I (Education and Social Sciences) and the research focus Subject Development and Educational Trajectories in Social Diversity and Inequality of the Institute of Education assigned to it.
The current selection below allows an insight into the ongoing or recently completed projects (alphabetical order):
Education with the perspective of critical diversity research
Theoretische Ansätze und empirische Analysen zu Hochschulen, insbesondere in Kontexten globaler Migration
Access to higher education is examined in the context of global migration. The intersection of 'race' and 'social class' with regard to migration and internationalisation is examined, oriented towards questions of global educational justice and human rights.
Challenges in pedagogical intervention and prevention on the topic of 'right-wing extremism
With the participation of students, critical-reflective approaches are being developed in the project.
Long shadows of silence and 'cross-border' love
Eine deutsch-niederländische Familiengeschichte im Kontext von Judenverfolgung, Besatzung, dem nationalsozialistischen Konzept »Rassenschande« und Widerstand
Documentary film project with backing band in the context of educational remembrance work.