

Bachelor final module Analysis

As part of the Bachelor's degree module Analysis

Friday, 04 March 2022 at 15.00 hrs


"Spectral theory of the Laplace operator on the sphere"

The lecture will take place online in BBB under the following link


Interested parties are cordially invited.

signed. Prof. Dr Boris Vertman signed. Dr Ivan Shestakov

04.03.2022 15:00 – Open End

Bachelor final module Analysis

As part of the Bachelor's degree module Analysis

Friday, 04 March 2022 at 15.00 hrs


"Spectral theory of the Laplace operator on the sphere"

The lecture will take place online in BBB under the following link


Interested parties are cordially invited.

signed. Prof. Dr Boris Vertman signed. Dr Ivan Shestakov

04.03.2022 15:00 – Open End

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