Theses in the field of computer science / engineering / medical technology


Head of the Division

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Hein

+49 (0)441 798-4450

V04 0-001


+49 (0)441 798-2772

+49 (0)441 798-5824

Postal Address

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Fakultät VI – Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften
Abteilung für Assistenzsysteme und Medizintechnik
Ammerländer Heerstr. 114-118
26129 Oldenburg

Visiting Address

Campus Haarentor, Gebäude V04
Ammerländer Heerstr. 140
26129 Oldenburg

Theses in the field of computer science / engineering / medical technology

We regularly supervise theses (Bachelor, Master), internships and similar formats. Our working groups focus on different research areas and offer specific calls for proposals as well as individually agreed topics. Please get in touch with the respective contact person for specific calls for proposals or directly with the group leaders for further tasks from the above-mentioned research foci.

Working groups in the Assistance Systems and Medical Technology Department:

Robotic assistance systems

The "Robotic Assistance Systems" group develops and researches robotic systems to support patients and informal and formal caregivers. One focus of the group is on the physical relief of caregivers by, for example, robots assisting with the repositioning of a patient. Furthermore, there is a focus on movement analyses as well as on the investigation of reactions in the movement process of a human to robotic systems.

Topic Overview

  • Activity detection and motion analysis with optical and inertial sensor systems
  • AI-based environment detection and object recognition
  • Analysis of changes in the motion sequence in response to robotic systems
  • Derivation of cooperation strategies between humans and robots,
  • Ergonomic considerations of work processes and stress analyses

Nutrition and functionality in old age

The group "Nutrition and Functionality in Old Age" develops monitoring and assistance systems for older people. As part of the technical development process, the needs of the various target groups (fit older people living at home, rehabilitation patients, people in need of care with and without cognitive impairments) are first identified. In the course of this, the iterative assessment of usability and use takes place, followed by the evaluation of measurable effects for the respective target group. The group has a wide methodological spectrum and expertise in various fields (physiotherapy, computer science, medical technology, health sciences, nutritional sciences and medicine).

Topic Overview

  • Evaluation of qualitative data from interview and focus group discussions, e.g. on the attitude towards technology and the identification of concrete needs and approaches of technical assistance systems in the context of dementia care at home, etc.
  • Basic quantitative analyses of correlations between nutritional and mobility parameters.
  • Implementation of technical features, e.g. in tablet-based apps.
  • Analysis of data collected with sensor belts, force plates and depth imaging cameras to identify deficits in physical functionality using clustering and/or AI.

Working groups at OFFIS:

Automation and integration technology

Group leadership:

Marco Eichelberg

Automation and Integration Technology

The OFFIS group "Automation and Integration Technology" develops solutions for the integrated care of patients - from dynamic networking in the operating theatre to the networking of doctors, nurses and the inclusion of patients in their own healthcare. Standards and norms such as DICOM, HL7 and IHE play a central role here. In addition, the group develops assistance systems for the personal living environment that support elderly and chronically ill people in particular in maintaining or restoring their health and independence.

Topic Overview

  • Management of medical image data based on the DICOM standard
  • Personal assistance systems in the areas of nutrition and heart health
  • Use of data from the living environment (e.g. smart meters) for medical purposes


Biomedical devices and systems

Group management

Frerk Müller-von Aschwege

Biomedical Devices and Systems

The OFFIS group "Biomedical Devices and Systems" fundamentally researches technologies that are used on or in the human body to assess the state of health or therapy/rehab. Devices that are close to the body or implanted can make significant contributions to providing targeted and needs-based information, compensate for limitations caused by disability and chronic diseases, for example, and have a direct effect on the body and physiological processes as medical devices/medical technology. The group's research focuses on the modelling, fusion and processing of medical sensor data such as artificial hearts or pacemakers, security/data protection, as well as the "structure-preserving" transmission of health data, also in the context of telemedical applications on the basis of open standards (IHE, HL7, FHIR, etc.).

Topic Overview

  • Research into telemedical procedures for the interrogation and control of implanted or body-related systems
  • telemedical support in emergency management and intensive care medicine
  • research into predictive maintenance approaches for implanted systems
  • Formal verification of safety-critical medical devices and compliance with the Medical Devices Act and the Medical Device Directive, respectively
  • development of a multi-level fall detection software for emergency care

Data management and analysis

Group leadership:

Christian Lüpkes

Data Management and Analysis

The OFFIS group "Data Management and Analysis" conducts data science in the healthcare sector and researches and develops solutions for the preparation and evaluation of usually large and heterogeneous databases in the healthcare sector with the aim of generating information and new knowledge from the data. The research and application focus is on suitable information visualisation, analysis-oriented data consolidation and preparation, testing of analysis procedures for their applicability in the health domain, primarily cancer epidemiology, and health reporting. To this end, interactive dashboards are being developed and, in particular, the spatial reference as well as data protection and data security (privacy by design) are being considered.

Topic Overview

  • Investigation of analysis approaches for small-scale data
  • Applicability of machine learning and AI methods to cancer data.
  • Test data generation through e.g. disaggregation or reverse application of standardisation methods
  • Concepts and technologies for explorative, multidimensional data analyses, for planning and monitoring indicators and for data mining, with special consideration of the integration of spatial reference and statistics

Assistive technologies for care and nursing

The OFFIS group "Assistive Technologies for Care and Nursing" researches innovative technologies to support care. Ensuring long-term care is one of the greatest challenges of the future. An increasing number of people in need of care are faced with too few care professionals. The work of the ATP group is aimed both at relieving the burden on care professionals and at supporting the people receiving care. In addition to professional care, the increasingly important group of informal caregivers (e.g. relatives, neighbours and friends) is addressed in research projects.

Topic Overview

  • Robotic systems for nursing
  • VR/AR to support nursing processes
  • Telecare - care at a distance
  • AI for nursing

Smart Human Robot Collaboration

Group leadership;

Tim C. Stratmann

Smart Human Robot Collaboration

The OFFIS research group "Smart Human-Robot Collaboration" explores interactive AI methods to enable robots to act intelligently in collaboration with humans in unstructured and new environments in industry and crafts. Interaction is the key to successful cooperation between humans and robots in order to learn from humans, increase the accessibility of robot systems and enable transfer to new situations.

Topic Overview

  • Human-robot collaboration for industrial applications
  • Simulation-assisted learning for robotics
  • Activity recognition, modelling and motion analysis for optimised exoskeletons
  • Social robotics - acceptance of industrial collaborative robots
  • AI-assisted robotics



Student assistantships

The department also offers the opportunity to gain an insight into various research projects within the framework of employment as a student assistant and to support current research work in this way. Remuneration is based on hourly work contracts (e.g. 20 hrs / month), which are concluded with the university.

Please contact us.

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