
Department of Health Services Research  (» Postal address)



  • Büker, L., Hackbarth, M., Quinten, V., Hein, A., & Hellmers, S. (2024). Towards comparable quality-assured Azure Kinect body tracking results in a study setting—Influence of light. Plos one, 19(8), e0308416. 
  • van der Laan, L., van Wijk, R. J., Quinten, V. M., Bouma, H. R., & ter Maaten, J. C. (2024). The Effect of Cardiovascular Medication on Heart Rate Variability in Patients Presenting with Early Sepsis at the Emergency Department: A Prospective Cohort Study. SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine, 6(1), 30. 
  • Happe, L., Sgraja, M., Quinten, V., Förster, M., & Diekmann, R. (2024). Requirement Analysis of Different Variants of a Measurement and Training Station for Older Adults at Risk of Malnutrition and Reduced Mobility: Focus Group Study. JMIR aging, 7, e58714. doi:
  • Happe, L., Sgraja, M., Quinten, V., Diekmann, R. (2024). Welche Gesundheitsdaten und Trainingsformen bevorzugen ältere Menschen mit Ernährungs-und Mobilitätsdefiziten in einer eigenständig nutzbaren Mess-und Trainingsstation? Eine qualitative Fokusgruppenstudie. physioscience 20 (S 01), V2. doi: 10.1055/s-0043-1777870


  • van Wijk, RJ, Quinten, VM, van Rossum, MC et al. (2023): Predicting deterioration of patients with early sepsis at the emergency department using continuous heart rate variability analysis: a model-based approach. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 31, 15.
  • Büker L, Quinten VM, Hackbarth M, Hellmers S, Diekmann R, Hein A (2023): How the Processing Mode Influences Azure Kinect Body Tracking Results. In: Sensors. 23(2):878.
  • Büker L, Quinten VM, Hackbarth M, Hellmers S, Diekmann R, Hein A (2023): How the Processing Mode Influences Azure Kinect Body Tracking Results. In: Sensors. 23(2):878.
  • Happe, L., Sgraja, M., Hein, A., Quinten, V., Diekmann, R. (2023). Usability and feasibility of a tablet-based e-coach for older adults in rehabilitation units to improve nutrition and physical activity: a prospective pilot study. BMC Geriatr 23, 578 (2023). doi: 10.1186/s12877-023-04204-6


  • Star BS, Boahen CK, van der Slikke EC, Quinten VM, Ter Maaten JC, Henning RH, Kumar V, Bouma HR. (2022): Plasma proteomic characterization of the development of acute kidney injury in early sepsis patients. Sci Rep. 2022 Nov 16;12(1):19705. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-22457-w
  • Van Der Slikke EC, Star BS, Quinten VM, Ter Maaten JC, Ligtenberg JJM, Van Meurs M, Gansevoort RT, Bakker SJL, Chao MR, Henning RH, Bouma HR (2022): Association between oxidized nucleobases and mitochondrial DNA damage with long-term mortality in patients with sepsis. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 2022, 179, 156–163.


  • Van Der Slikke EC, Star BS, De Jager VD, Leferink MBM, Klein LM, Quinten VM, et al (2020): A high urea-to-creatinine ratio predicts long-term mortality independent of acute kidney injury among patients hospitalized with an infection. Sci Rep. 2020 Dec 1;10(1).


  • Quinten VM (2019): Early detection of patient deterioration in patients with infection or sepsis. Groningen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen; 2019. 136 p. ISBN 978-94-034-1393-8.
  • Dal Canton, F., Quinten, V. M., & Wiering, M. A. (2019). Early Detection of Sepsis Induced Deterioration Using Machine Learning. In Artificial Intelligence: 30th Benelux Conference, BNAIC 2018,‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands, November 8–9, 2018, Revised Selected Papers 30 (pp. 1-15). Springer International Publishing.


  • Quinten VM, Van Meurs M, Wolffensperger AE, Ter Maaten JC, Ligtenberg JJM (2018): Sepsis patients in the emergency department: Stratification using the Clinical Impression Score, Predisposition, Infection, Response and Organ dysfunction score or quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score? Eur J Emerg Med. 2018;25(5):328–34.
  • Quinten VM, Van Meurs M, Olgers TJ, Vonk JM, Ligtenberg JJM, Ter Maaten JC (2018): Repeated vital sign measurements in the emergency department predict patient deterioration within 72 hours: A prospective observational study. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2018;26(1):57.
  • Quinten VM, Van Meurs M, Ligtenberg JJM, Ter Maaten JC (2018): Prehospital antibiotics for sepsis: beyond mortality? Lancet Respir Med. 2018;6(3):168–70.


  • Quinten VM, Van Meurs M, Renes MH, Ligtenberg JJM, Ter Maaten JC (2017): Protocol of the sepsivit study: a prospective observational study to determine whether continuous heart rate variability measurement during the first 48 hours of hospitalisation provides an early warning for deterioration in patients presenting with infection or sepsis to the emergency department of a Dutch academic teaching hospital. BMJ Open. 2017 Nov 17;7(11):e018259.


  • Quinten VM, Van Meurs M, Ter Maaten JC, Ligtenberg JJM (2016): Trends in vital signs and routine biomarkers in patients with sepsis during resuscitation in the emergency department: a prospective observational pilot study. BMJ Open. 2016;6(5):9718. 
  • Quinten VM, Van Meurs M, Ter Maaten JC, Ligtenberg JJM (2016): Biomarkers or Clinical Observations to Identify (Outcome of) Emergency Department Patients with Infection? Shock. 2016 Jul;46(1):108.


  • Quinten, V. M., Van Meurs, M., Ter Maaten, J. C., & Ligtenberg, J. J. M. (2015). Trends in vital signs and routine biomarkers in sepsis patients during resuscitation in the emergency department: a prospective observational pilot study. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, 3, 1-2.


  • Quinten VM, Van De Meent R, Pras A (2007): Analysis of Techniques for Protection Against Spam over Internet Telephony. vol 4606. Pras A, van Sinderen M, editors. Dependable and Adaptable Networks and Services. EUNICE 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer; 2007. 70–77 p.


05/2018 SAMsterDAM2

The Society for Acute Medicine & Dutch Acute Medicine 2nd Joint Conference, Amsterdam (Niederlande)

Poster: „Repeated vital sign measurements in the emergency department predict patient deterioration within 72 hours: a prospective observational study”. Bewertet mit „Highly Commended“.


10/2015 ESICM 2015

European Society of Intensive Care Medicine Annual Congress, Berlin

Abstract und Vortrag: „Trends in vital signs and routine biomarkers in sepsis patients during resuscitation in the emergency department: a prospective observational pilot study.”


09/2014 EUSEM 2014

European Society for Emergency Medicine - 8th European Congress on Emergency Medicine, Amsterdam (Niederlande)

Abstract und Vortrag: „A pilot study on predicting outcomes of sepsis in the emergency department: clinical scores, routine markers or specific biomarkers?”


07/2007 EUNICE 2007

Dependable and Adaptable Networks and Services, 13th Open European Summer School and IFIP TC6.6 Workshop, Enschede (Niederlande)

Paper und Vortrag: „Analysis of Techniques for Protection against Spam over Internet Telephony”

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