
Leo Michalke

Applied Neurcognitive Psychology

W30 1-113 (» Adress and map)

Leo Michalke (M.Sc.)


My research is focused on inter-subject alignment of neurophysiological data to facilitate group analysis and machine learning across subjects. A naive method is to just assume that subjects are aligned in sensor space, but problems arise due to anatomical and functional differences of the brains and differences in exact sensor locations.

MEG recordings are particularly susceptible to individual cortical folding patterns, because the orientation of sources determines which parts of the signal are detectable from outside the head. Hence, a method for inter-subject alignment is needed which does not rely on the assumption that brain anatomy and function are well correlated.

I use statistical methods and dimensionality reduction tools to find a common low-dimensional space in which temporal signatures of subjects' data are matching, therefore providing a functional rather than an anatomical mapping between subjects.


Summer semester 2023

6.02.220_2  Seminar: Hands- on BCI implementation 

6.03.250      Teaching assistant: Computational Neuroscience - Statistical Learning


Journal Papers:

Michalke, L., Dreyer, A. M., Borst, J. P., & Rieger, J. W. (2023). Inter-individual single-trial classification of MEG data using M-CCA. NeuroImage, 273, 120079.

Dreyer, A. M., Michalke, L., Perry A., Chang, E. F., Lin, J. J., Knight, R. T. & Rieger, J. W. (2023). Grasp-specific high-frequency broadband mirror neuron activity during reach-and-grasp movements in humans. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 2023 May;33(10):6291-6298.


Michalke, L., Al-Zubaidi, A., Ruigendijk, E., & Rieger, J. (2024). Cortical representations of function versus content words while listening to speech in natural soundscapes at different levels of simulated hearing loss: An fMRI study. 15th Speech in Noise Workshop (SPIN2024), Potsdam, Germany. Zenodo.


- PhD candidate in Applied Neurocognitive Psychology Lab, University of Oldenburg, supervisor: Prof. Jochem Rieger

- M.Sc. Neuroscience, University of Bremen, thesis title: Inter-subject Alignment of MEG Datasets

- B.Sc. Computer Science, University of Bremen, thesis title: A hybrid SSVEP/P300-BCI for controlling a NAO robot

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