
The economist Werner Oknen, who established the archive, is also available on request to provide information about the contents of the archive and will also accept material and suggestions for developing the archive. Arrangements can also be made for students from abroad to stay for several days to conduct research.

Werner Onken

Location of the collection

Stack room 222 on level 2

Archive for Monetary and Land Reform

Archive for Monetary and Land Reform

In its Archive for Monetary and Land Reform, which was established in 1983, the "Stiftung für Reform der Geld- und Bodenordnung" collects primary and secondary literature by authors who have sought a third alternative to capitalism and communism. These include Pierre Joseph Proudhon, Gustav Landauer, Henry George, Adolf Damaschke, Franz Oppenheimer, Silvio Gesell, Rudolf Steiner and others who have striven to find liberal solutions to social issues.

Contents of the collection

The archive currently holds:

  • more than 5,000 books, brochures, papers and newspaper articles in German;
  • more than 500 books, brochures, papers and newspaper articles in other languages;
  • 120 journals, publication series and newspapers.

The "Archive for Monetary and Land Reform" is on loan from the Stiftung für Reform der Geld- und Bodenordnung to the Carl von Ossietzky University Library. It is intended to facilitate research into ideas of economic reform and land law as well as resource-related problems. Since monetary and land issues affect all aspects of society the spectrum of potential research topics spans economics, social and political sciences as well as history, theology and philosophy. In accordance with human rights, democracy and openness such research should serve the social and ecological compatibility of future economic activity and peace between peoples and nations.

Borrowing terms

The "Archive for Monetary and Land Reform" is available on request for use by University members and the general public, in accordance with Oldenburg University Library house rules. Original manuscripts (marked in red) of books, brochures and essays as well as periodicals may only be viewed in the archive room. They may not be borrowed but copies can be made on the Library premises. Duplicates of monographs (marked in green) may be borrowed for four weeks at a time (and sent by post to students abroad). Loans may also be renewed.

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