Info und Anleitung Info and instruction
Embed -Suche einbinden search (Mit der Aktivierung der Google-Suche bestätigen Sie, dass Sie mit der Einbindung und der dazu erforderlichen Datenübermittlung an Google einverstanden sind.) (By activating Google Search, you confirm that you agree to the integration and the necessary data transfer to Google.)
DEAL agreement allows access to Elsevier journals.
The presidential board issues affiliation guideline on standardized wording of affiliation in scientific publications „Richtlinie der Carl von…
Exhibition from Oct. 18 to Nov. 6 in the university library foyer
National Science Foundation (DFG) approves University of Oldenburg’s Grant Proposal
As of Monday, Nov. 29, 2021, the 3G rule applies at both locations of the university library. Entrance to the buildings will only be permitted to…
Students may book study carrels on short notice to participate in online seminars.
All the important info on how to use the library.