Dr. Jan F. Maas
Room B 222
Phone: 0441 798-4019

FTP use with DARE

DARE: Downloading datasets

You can download datasets directly from DARE. However, the complete download of very large datasets by webbrowser is not possible. In this case you can download the data from the DARE fileserver (FTP-Server).

Please note that you need a FTP client software to download the files. You can for example use WinSCP, which is free of charge and available for Windows or FileZilla (https://filezilla-project.org/) which is free of charge and available for Windows, Mac and Linux:

Members of Oldenburg University can install FileZilla via the ZenWorks application.

Finding the data

First you need to know the name of the directory you want to download. The directory names are the last part of the DOI or the DOI Link of the dataset. You can find both in the description of the dataset.

For example, the dataset "OLANA MRI YNH" has the DOI doi:10.57782/RZM27T and the doi resolver link doi.org/10.57782/RZM27T . Therefore, the dataset can be found in the directory RZM27T.

Download using FileZilla

Install FileZilla if necessary. Start FileZilla. Enter "dareftp.uol.de" into the "Server"-Field and click on "connect". Please confirm the use of the security cerfificate (necessary only once).

In the right part of the window ("server") you will now see the root directory of the server.

You can download an entire directory by following these steps: make sure that the directory in the left part of the window ("local") is the location you want to download the data to.

In the right part of the window ("server"):

  • Right click on the directory you want to download.
  • Choose "download" from the context menu.

The dataset will now be downloaded to the specified location. After the download, you can close FileZilla.

Download using WinSCP

Install WinSCP if necessary. Choose the "Commander" view.

Start WinSCP. You now see the "Login" window.

In this window:

  • Choose "FTP" for file protocol.
  • Choose "TLS/SSL Explicit encryption" for encryption.
  • Enter "dareftp.uol.de" as Host name.
  • The port should be preset as "21".
  • Activate "Anonymous login"
  • Click on "Save".

Enter a name for the new connection (e.g., "dareftp") and click on "OK".

Now click on "Login".

You now see the files view of WinSCP. On the left side you see your local environment. On the right side you see the server environment.

  • Left: Choose the directory in which you would like to download the data.
  • Right: Click on the directory you want to download (see "Finding the data" above). Now click on "download" in the context menu and confirm the download ("OK").

You can close WinSCP after the download.

How to download a dataset with other FTP Clients

Enter the address "dareftp.uol.de" into the software of your choice and leave the user name and pasword empty. If a user name is required, use "ftp".

The used protocol is FTP, the used port is 21.

If you are useing a browser plugin, call ftp://dareftp.uol.de from you browser.

[BIS intern]   (Changed: 14 Aug 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p108060en
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