Prof. Dr. Timm Wilke

W03 2-226

+49 441 798-3833

Dr. Michael Peetz

W03 2-227

+49 441 798-3601

Theses in chemistry education

We are always excited to welcome motivated students who wish to write their bachelor or master thesis in our department and gain insights into current research! We offer a wide range of exciting topics in the fields of experimental, conceptual, and empirical chemistry education, and we also collaborate with subject-specific sciences and other (STEM) didactics. In addition, we ensure good support with short communication lines and open doors.

Below, we briefly present what you can expect. If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to contact us, preferably for a personal conversation. Each semester, a seminar on thesis writing accompanies the theses.

How to find a topic?

A central goal is for students to gain insights into current research and actively participate in it as part of their theses. For this reason, we embed (almost) all topics into our ongoing research projects. Not least, students benefit from the expertise of their supervisors.

The topics are distributed across our diverse research focuses and projects. To provide all interested parties with an overview, we present all topics together on one date. If interested, a subsequent conversation with the supervisor takes place, where any questions can be addressed. If "the chemistry is right," the topic is agreed upon and registered with the examination office.

Template documents

The following templates are mandatory for writing the thesis. They ensure comparability and take a significant part of the layout and formatting work off your hands. The Word document contains detailed instructions and also guidelines on citation rules. A LaTeX version is not yet available – perhaps someone would like to create it?

Download Templates


Completing your theses requires good organization in addition to the scientific component. Starting from the upcoming semester, projects in chemistry education will be coordinated to ensure that grades are recorded on time by the end of the semester. This coordination is also intended to foster synergies among the projects. Therefore, the following timeline will be mandatory starting in the winter semester of 2024/2025.

Summer semester 2024

Transitional Arrangement: For the summer semester 2024, this is a non-binding suggestion.

Summer semester 2024

Bachelor’s Thesis

Master’s Thesis

Grade Entry

by 30.09.2024

Correction Period

by 05.09.2024


by 01.08.2024

Start of Accompanying Seminar


Start of Thesis Work



Topic Selection & Registration

by end of February 2024

by mid-December 2023

Presentation of available topics

January 2024 November 2023

Winter semester 2024/2025

The following timeline is mandatory for all projects in chemistry education.

Winter semester

Bachelor’s Thesis

Master’s Thesis

Grade Entry

by 31.03.2025

Correction Period

by 07.03.2025


by 15.02.2025

Start of Accompanying Seminar


Start of Thesis Work



Topic Selection & Registration

bis Mitte September 2024

by end of June 2024

Presentation of available Topics

August 2024

May 2024
Chemie-Webmaster (Changed: 02 Aug 2024)  | 
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