The AG Chemiedidaktik presents several (experimental) lectures and workshops at the MNU Bundeskongress 2024 in ("our old living room") Jena:
- Antonia Fruntke: From nanomedicine to school: synthesis of carriers in chemistry lessons (Monday, 14:00 - 14.45)
- Malte Petersen: Insights into the basics of photochemical reactions and their potential for hydrogen synthesis (Tuesday, 09:45 - 10.30)
- Antonia Fruntke, Nicolai ter Horst: Exploring nanomedicine experimentally and digitally - modern research meets modern didactics (Tuesday, 14:00 - 15.30)
- Elisabeth Dietel: Medicine in the chemistry classroom - orienting learners' interests through the use of new contexts (Tuesday, 14:00 - 15:30
- Elisabeth Dietel: Plasters, wound dressings & surgical sutures - designing a medical context for chemistry lessons at upper secondary level (Tuesday, 16:30 - 17.15)