News from the Chemistry Education Department

New publication in CHEMKON

Publication of the focus article "Nanomedicine in chemistry education: Targeted drug delivery with polymer nanoparticles" in CHEMKON.


This article presents two series of experiments on the subject of nanomedicine for upper secondary schools and school laboratories. The principle of "nanocarriers" is presented, which can be used to transport active substances to organs and infected tissue in a targeted manner. This allows a higher dose of active ingredient to be achieved locally while minimizing side effects. The series of experiments include all relevant steps from (1) the selection or synthesis of the polymers to (2) the formulation and loading with fluorescent model substances to (3) the targeted degradation of the nanocarriers by ester cleavage and the release of the model substance. All experiments can be carried out as student experiments using simple equipment from the school laboratory within a double lesson. In terms of content, the curriculum topics "Nano" and "Polymers" can be ideally linked together and numerous classical contents of chemistry lessons (polymerization, polarity, ester formation, ester cleavage, carboxylic acids, ...) can be introduced or consolidated using an attractive and motivating context.

Citation and link

A. Fruntke, M. Behnke, E. Dietel, A. Vollrath, U. S. Schubert, T. Wilke, "Nanomedicine in chemistry lessons: Targeted drug delivery with polymer nanoparticles", CHEMKON, early view, Link


(Changed: 05 Aug 2024)  | 
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