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A. Thiel, M. Greschner, C.W. Eurich, J. Ammermüller, J. Kretzberg (2007)
Contribution of individual retinal ganglion cell responses to velocity and acceleration encoding.
Journal of Neurophysiology, 98: 2285-2296
J. Kretzberg, F. Kretschmer, A. Marin-Burgin (2006)
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A. Thiel, M. Greschner, J. Ammermüller (2006)
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M. Greschner, A. Thiel, J. Kretzberg J. Ammermüller (2006)
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J. Grewe, J. Kretzberg, A.-K. Warzecha, M. Egelhaaf (2003)
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[Abstract] [Publisher Site]
J. Kretzberg, A-K. Warzecha, T. Sejnowski, M. Egelhaaf (2003)
Variability of postsynaptic responses depends non-linearly on the number of synaptic inputs.
Neurocomputing 52-54:313-320
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J. Kretzberg (2003)
Informatik in den Neurowissenschaften.
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M. Egelhaaf, N. Böddeker, R. Kern, J. Kretzberg, J.P. Lindemann, A.-K. Warzecha (2003)
Visually guided orientation in flies: Case studies in computational neuroethology.
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M. Egelhaaf, R. Kern, H. Krapp, J. Kretzberg, R. Kurtz, A.-K. Warzecha (2002)
Neural encoding of behaviourally relevant visual-motion information in the fly.
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J. Kretzberg, A.-K. Warzecha, M. Egelhaaf (2001)
Neural coding with graded membrane potential changes and spikes.
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J. Kretzberg, M. Egelhaaf, A.-K. Warzecha (2001)
Membrane potential fluctuations determine the precision of spike timing and synchronous activity: A model study.
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[Abstract] [Publisher Site]
A.-K. Warzecha, J. Kretzberg, M. Egelhaaf (2000)
Reliability of a fly motion sensitive neuron depends on stimulus parameters. Journal of Neuroscience, 20(23):8886-8896
[Abstract] [Publisher Site]
A.-K. Warzecha, J. Kretzberg, M. Egelhaaf (1998)
Temporal precision of the encoding of motion information by visual interneurons.
Current Biology, 8(7):359-368