
Prof. Dr. Jutta Kretzberg 
Tel.: +49-(0)441-798-3314 
Office: W4-0-078



All programs:

Computational Neuroscience group seminar (6.03.015):

Thursday 10:00-12:00 (Online)

by Jutta Kretzberg, Go Ashida and all group members


Bachelor Biology:

Statistik für die Biologie / Statistics for biology (in German)

6  ECTS: 2 SWS Lecture (5.02.151) + 2 SWS Tutorials (5.02.152) during the summer semester

by Jutta Kretzberg, Fiona Teske


Bachelor Biology -  Professionalisierungsbereich :

Compact course "Einführung in die biologische Datenanalyse und Simulation mit Matlab" (5.02.491) (Introduction to biological data analysis and simulation in Matlab)

6 ECTS, 4 SWS: summer semester (3 weeks in September)

by Jutta Kretzberg


Master Biology and Master Neuroscience

neu 340 Invertebrate Neuroscience (6.03.341/6.03.342)

6 ECTS block background module, 3 weeks in summer semester (2nd half)

by Jutta Kretzberg, Sonja Meiser


neu 345 Neural Computation in Invertebrate Systems  (6.03.345/6.03.346)

6 ECTS block background module, 4 weeks in summer semester (2nd half)

by Jutta Kretzberg


neu600  Computational Neuroscience: Invertebrate somatosensory system (Neuroscience: 6.03.650)

15 ECTS, individial research project with flexible timing

by Jutta Kretzberg, Sonja Meiser

neu600 Computational Neuroscience: Modeling & data analysis (6.03.651)

15 ECTS, individial research project with flexible timing

by Jutta Kretzberg, Go Ashida


Communicating Neuroscience (6.03.792)

3 ECTS, ungraded skills module, literature seminar in winter semester and summer semester, Friday 12-14

Jutta Kretzberg, Christine Köppl


International Meeting contribution (6.03.810)

3 ECTS, ungraded skills module, flexible timing

Jutta Kretzberg, Christine Köppl


Master Neuroscience:

neu241 Computational Neuroscience - Introduction (6.03.241)

12 ECTS block background module in December / January

by Go Ashida, Jutta Kretzberg, Martin Greschner


neu710 Neuroscientific Data Analysis in Matlab (6.03.711)

by Jutta Kretzberg, Fiona Teske



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