Contact us


Prof. Dr. Andrea Strübind 
Vice President for Studying and Teaching

Contact person

Isabel Müskens

0441 798-5474

Oeco 1-159

Ammerländer Heerstraße 114-118
26129 Oldenburg

Digitalisation strategy

The digitalisation strategy contains the objectives of the UOL and the fields of action for the digitalisation project.

Complete strategy as PDF

Studying and Teaching

Please refer to the digitalisation strategy for the full text of the field of action.

UOL sees itself as an on-campus university with a personal exchange and an active, professional discourse between lecturers and students, in which face-to-face teaching is supported and further developed by methodologically, didactically and curricularly suitable, contemporary and attractive digital teaching and examination programmes, content, formats and tools.

The following goals have been set for the coming years in the field of study and teaching:

Promotion of a digital teaching and learning culture

An important goal for achieving university-wide acceptance and use of digital teaching and learning is the promotion of a digital teaching and learning culture that encourages self-directed learning processes and in which teaching staff provide support and guidance. In addition to teaching digital learning content and skills, the focus should be on supporting individual learning processes and providing (digitally supported) feedback on individual learning progress. This requires a transparent presentation of the expected or anticipated ‘learning outcomes’ or competency goals and the (further) development of digital exchange and feedback formats. It is important for the University of Oldenburg to recognise that the mere provision of digital media has no effect on the quality of teaching and learning and that establishing a digital teaching and learning culture is a major challenge.

Flexibilisation of the Department of Studying and Teaching

Digitalisation opens up far-reaching opportunities to make studying and teaching more flexible. Flexibilisation offers design approaches for studying and teaching with regard to dimensions such as access, time, content, learning locations, learning objectives and examinations. This also includes the potential of cross-location digital teaching programmes with various partners. At the same time, all of these aspects are limited by legal framework conditions or subject content standards.

To this end, the University of Oldenburg will provide more information and advisory services at central and decentralised level and focus on the further development of the entire study process through supplementary digital formats. The flexibilisation of Studying and Teaching will take place within the framework of the self-image of an on-campus university and in coordination with the subject cultures and study objectives. Furthermore, participation in university educational processes is to be increased and participation, e.g. through co-determination or participation by students, teaching staff and employees in technology and administration, is to be made possible.

Promotion of digital sovereignty

By promoting digital sovereignty, students and lecturers should develop the skills that are necessary both for the world of work and in the course of a changing society towards a digital world. The University of Oldenburg promotes the competent and learning goal-oriented use and co-design of digital applications and technologies, also in combination with analogue techniques in studies and teaching. This includes, in particular, a correspondingly reflective approach to and understanding of IT, including AI-based systems. This is achieved primarily through information and counselling, special modules and offers to strengthen digital sovereignty for students, teaching staff and employees in technology and administration.

Curricular mapping of digitality

The degree programmes at the University of Oldenburg are responding to the digital transformation by further developing their curricula, particularly with regard to the new subject-specific and interdisciplinary requirements that arise as a result. This also includes the associated changes to modules, examination formats and degree programme designs. In addition to these content-related considerations, the quality-assured integration of digitally supported teaching and examination formats will also be promoted, and the corresponding administrative and formal requirements will be created. The University of Oldenburg aims to incorporate digitality into the curriculum of all degree programmes. In addition, digital examination formats are to be further developed and mapped in the corresponding regulations and the teaching profile feature of research-based learning is to be linked with digital elements.

Establishment and expansion of needs-based support structures

The digital transformation in the area of Studying and Teaching is dependent on the establishment and expansion of needs-based support structures. This process can only be accepted and continued as a joint task in cooperation with all stakeholders, i.e. students, teaching staff and employees in technology and administration. The qualification of academic and non-academic staff in the responsible use of digital services is of great importance here and should be promoted through appropriate programmes. Furthermore, a website on the digitalisation of Studying and Teaching is to be developed to promote exchange and networking between the stakeholders. The existing legal regulations of the University of Oldenburg are to be reviewed with regard to the needs arising in the course of the digital transformation and, if necessary, adapted and communicated.

These objectives for the field of Studying and Teaching were developed as part of an extensive internal university discussion process together with the faculties and central institutions.

Selected measures

Further development of the field of generative artificial intelligence (GKI) in studies and teaching

The aim of this measure is to further develop the field of CCI in studies and teaching by developing binding guidelines for lecturers and students on how to deal with CCI in coordination with the faculties. Furthermore, a central office for information and advice for lecturers and students on the subject of CCI is to be set up.


Development of a communicative hub for digitalization in studies and teaching

As part of this measure, information and activities on digitalization in studying and teaching are to be presented on a central website as a communicative hub for the UOL in order to promote university networking. Possible content includes digitalization topics (e.g. teaching-learning culture, GKI, digital maturity), advisory and support services, exchange formats and qualification offers, presentation of projects, measures and evaluation results as well as the promotion of project formats for digitalization.


Development of qualification offers for teachers and students on digitalization topics

As part of this measure, qualification offers for teaching staff and students on digitization topics are to be developed within the university (in coordination with HSD, ZSKB, IT service, library, media technology) and in coordination with other universities in Lower Saxony (promoting synergy effects).

Provision and maintenance of a digital infrastructure in coordination with administration and services

This measure aims to provide and maintain a digital infrastructure (e.g. requirements, room concepts, hardware, software) at the UOL; a corresponding framework concept is to be developed, implemented and continuously developed in coordination with the faculties, administration and IT services.

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