Central Administration and Services
Contact us
Jörg Stahlmann
Vice President for Administration and Finance
Contact person
Sabine Lohwasser
Digital Transformation Officer (Dec. 1)
Central Administration and Services
Please refer to the digitalisation strategy for the full text of the action area.
The administration and service areas can particularly benefit from the opportunities offered by digitalisation and at the same time are obliged to change due to various laws and regulations or other requirements and framework conditions, for example through the implementation of the Online Access Act (OZG).
The aim of the administration and service areas is to provide the best possible support for the areas of research and transfer as well as teaching and learning. Processes and file management that are currently still paper-based are to be converted to fully digitalised workflows and digital document management systems.
At the same time, high standards of data protection and IT security must be ensured. In addition, the economic, efficient and long-term support and resource-saving utilisation of IT products as well as their user-friendliness are of particular importance. Low-barrier accessibility and usability as well as the digital sovereignty of employees in line with the changes are further quality criteria for digital infrastructure and applications
Strategic goals for the coming years relate in particular to: