Gender Diversity
Further links
- Procedure for changing your first name and gender indication within the university systems at Dezernat 3
- Inter* Trans* Consultancy of the General Student Comittee (AStA) (information available in German only, but a consultation in English is possible)
Gender Diversity
The University of Oldenburg strives to recognize the gender diversity of its members and guests. The university is working towards a respectful treatment of trans*, inter*, queer and non-binary persons. Disadvantages and discrimination based on (ascribed) gender affiliation beyond the binary have to be adressed and prevented.
This excerpt is taken from the Diversity Concept as a part of the Concept of Equal Opportunities at the University of Oldenburg („Diversitätsverständnis im Rahmen des „Selbstverständnis Chancengleichheit”)
Gender inclusive language and communication
A guideline for gender inclusive language and communication in the German language was developed in order to ensure a respectful environment for everybody. Among other things, the guideline recommends using inclusive, genderneutral terms for persons or groups as well as an inclusive form of address in correspondence in order to avoid gendered ascriptions (f. e. from the name of a person). In addition, non-binary personal status information should be made possible in all recording systems and documents.
Further information on the guideline for gender inclusive language and communication
Procedure for changing your first name and gender indication within the university systems
Members and affiliates of the UOL can change their official first name(s) and gender indication in the data entry systems with effect to their university identity (e.g. in the employment contract, their e-mail address, certificate of enrollment, etc.) by submitting an application. Students can submit the application via Stud.IP. Employees should contact Dezernat 1 for their application. Further information on how to proceed in English can be found at Dezernat 3.