Gender Equality Programmes and Standards

At the University of Oldenburg, various programmes contribute to the promotion of gender equality. These include external initiatives such as the 'Research-Oriented Standards on Gender Equality and Diversity' of the German Research Foundation (DFG) or the Programme for Women Professors of the Federal Government and the Länder ('Professorinnenprogramm III des Bundes und der Länder'). Furthermore, the university has developed and set up its own programmes to promote and support women in areas where they are underrepresented.

Research-Oriented Standards on Gender Equality and Diversity of the German Research Foundation (DFG)

Since 2008, the DFG's Research-Oriented Standards on Gender Equality have strengthened gender equality policy at universities and other scientific institutions. With this voluntary commitment, DFG members defined individual and structural standards for a sustainable gender equality framework. Initially, they submitted quantitative reports on the status of gender equality. Since 2018, however, members have been filing qualitative reports on changing topics, based on which the DFG then draws up recommendations for higher education institutions. For the 2020-2022 reporting cycle, the University of Oldenburg has submitted two reports:

UOL 2021: Report on increasing the proportion of women in the postdoc phase

UOL 2021: Report on how universities deal with the issue of multiplicity/diversity

From 2018-2020 the university and the DFG issued the following documents:

UOL 2018: Report on relief for female researchers in connection with committee work (in German)

UOL 2018: Report on recruitment procedures for attracting female researchers (in German)

DFG 2020: Summary and recommendations of the DFG on the Research-Oriented Standards on Gender Equality (in German)

Further general information on the Research-Oriented Standards on Gender Equality can be found on the DFG website.

Women Professors Programme of the Federal Government and the Länder ('Professorinnenprogramm III des Bundes und der Länder')

Established as a funding programme in 2008, the Women Professors Programme of the Federal Government and the Länder ('Professorinnenprogramm III des Bundes und der Länder') aims to increase the proportion of female professors at German universities and to strengthen university gender equality structures. In 2018, the University of Oldenburg applied for funding in the third phase of the programme with its future gender equality strategy. The roadmap was evaluated positively, and the three applications submitted by the university were approved. As a result, two regular appointments of female professors and one early appointment are funded by the programme.

Further general information on the Women Professors Programme (in German) can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Programmes for the advancement of women at the University of Oldenburg

In order to counteract the underrepresentation of women in science and to compensate for the structural disadvantage of women, there are several support programmes at the University of Oldenburg:

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