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The question of how animals manage to navigate over long distances has long been a subject of research at the University of Oldenburg. The university has now been given the go-ahead to submit an application for a Cluster of Excellence on this topic. istock / AGD Beukhof
Marine Science Forschung

University of Oldenburg competes for three Clusters of Excellence

The university was successful in the preliminary decision of the excellence competition with a proposal on animal navigation. The existing clusters in…

Meinhard Simon and his research objects: To make marine microbes visible, the tiny organisms are stained with fluorescent dyes. Universität Oldenburg / Daniel Schmidt      At sea, the researchers also carry out their work in specially equipped laboratory containers. Universität Oldenburg / Meinhard Simon      Meinhard Simon and his research objects: To make marine microbes visible, the tiny organisms are stained with fluorescent dyes. Universität Oldenburg / Daniel Schmidt
Marine Science Forschung

The ocean microbiome

A group of bacteria lives in close association with other organisms throughout the world's oceans. Former ICBM-Microbiologist Meinhard Simon and his…

After a discussion round, there was a lively exchange with the guests in the audience. Photo: MARUM - Centre for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; V.Diekamp
Marine Science Kontakte

"MARUM im Dialog" successfully launched

The new event format „Blickpunkt Meer – MARUM im Dialog“  ("Focus on the Sea - MARUM in Dialogue") has now been successfully launched with an event on…

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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