ICBM helps to fill equipment shortage
Usually, the ICBM research group for Aquatic Microbial Ecology around Prof. Dr. Thorsten Brinkhoff employs a so-called LightCycler exclusively for scientific purposes. „Primarily, by using this highly sophisticated device we provide specific evidence for DNA or RNA from environmental samples and bacterial cultures whilst simultaneously quantifying the hereditary material“, says Brinkhoff.
The device is also able to multiply virus hereditary molecules for analytical purposes, such as those of SARS-CoV-2. By mid-March the Medizinisches Labor (Medical Lab) Oldenburg had an urgent need for a LightCycler just for that reason. But due to the spreading Corona Pandemic, the LightCyclers were sold out at the manufacturer and everywhere else. All the same, the manufacturer was at least able to suggest to the Medical Laboratory that the ICBM might be able to help.
Thus it happened that PD Dr. Gunnar Brandhorst, medical director at the Medical Laboratory Oldenburg, asked Prof. Brinkhoff whether he could possibly borrow the device. In the light of the acuteness of this request, Brinkhoff immediately informed the presidential chair of the University of Oldenburg and organized the lending. His colleague, Dr. Martine Berger, without further ado assembled the LightCycler at the Medical Lab, established the SARS-CoV-2 assay and trained the lab staff in using the device.
Only short time after that the ICBM received a message from Dr. Brandhorst: „… because of the extraordinary help from Dr. Berger the diagnostics works absolutely excellent. We not only lacked the LightCycler, but also the expertise for establishing the procedure. Prof. Brinkhoff and Dr. Berger were of great help in this respect“.
(At the ICBM the LightCycler is used in the context of the Transregional Collaborative Research Centre (TTR 51) Roseobacter)