
  • Private lecturer Dr Maren Striebel [Image: private].

Maren Striebel awarded for training early career researchers

Private lecturer Dr Maren Striebel was given the Award for Excellent Doctoral Supervision in the context of the new event format “Sound of Science” of the University Society Oldenburg (UGO) on 25 November.

ICBM scientist gets Award for Excellent Doctoral Supervision

Private lecturer Dr Maren Striebel was given the Award for Excellent Doctoral Supervision in the context of the new event format “Sound of Science” of the University Society Oldenburg (UGO) on 25 November. The UGO promotes academic education at the University of Oldenburg and cultivates the university's relations with the surrounding community. The Award for Excellent Doctoral Supervision, endowed with 2,000 €, was conferred this year for the first time and will henceforth be granted on an annual basis. It “is meant to recognise outstanding supervisory work and exceptional commitment to the guidance of young academics.”

Only doctoral candidates who are at least in the second year of their doctorate may nominate potential awardees. Many former doctoral candidates of Striebel were congratulating her, via twitter for example, saying ‘well done’ or ‘well deserved’, thus underlining Striebel’s extraordinary commitment to doctoral training and research.


(Changed: 13 Dec 2024)  | 
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