
Students' advisor Computer Science

FSB MSC-Informatik

I11 (Industriestr. 11), Raum 0-04a oder online (» Adress and map)

nach Vereinbarung (in Präsenz oder online); Terminreservierung für Studierende unter

Non-term consultation: as in lecture time

+49 441 798-2752  (F&P


Programme structure

The four-semester Master's programme in Computing Science allows you to design your studies very flexibly, as there are only a few formal requirements. This means that at the CvO University of Oldenburg you can put together your desired degree programme largely according to your interests within the framework of the modules offered.

However you choose to structure your studies, the M.Sc. degree programme in Computing Science will teach you how to put theoretical knowledge into practice, provide you with important qualifications in project management and (even more importantly) experience in teamwork, and give you experience and skills in independent scientific work.

Curriculum MSc Computing Science

The general study plan for the Master's degree programme in Computing Science is as follows:

1st semester Accent choice Accent choice Compulsory Elective module in
Theoretical CS
Compulsory Elective module in
Computer Engineering
Interdisciplinary elective Module
2nd semester Project group

Compulsory Elective module in
Practical CS

Compulsory Elective module in
Applied CS
Interdisciplinary elective Module
3rd semester Accent choice Accent choice Accent choice
4th semester Final module (Master thesis)

The positioning of the modules is only to be understood as an example.

Explanations of the modules to be taken

  • Five specialisation modules (accent elective, 30 CP) can be taken freely according to your individual interests from the catalogue of courses in the degree programme or according to the recommendations of a specialisation area.
  • Four elective modules, i.e. one module with 6CP from each of the teaching areas "Theoretical Computing Science", "Practical Computing Science", Computer Engineering" and Applied Computing Science, must also be selected from the list of specialisation modules.
  • Two interdisciplinary elective modules (12 CP) must be taken with courses that do not originate from Computing Science. They should ensure that students have already gained experience with interdisciplinary tasks during their studies. The interdisciplinary modules can also be used to acquire key qualifications and for enhancing language skills. In some specialisation profiles, a module from a given field of application is studied in these modules.
  • Every student on a Master's degree programme must take part in a project group (24 CP). This is a form of course in which you tackle a challenging software or hardware development task in a team of six to twelve students: from the definition of requirements to the completion of the product, just like in a company.

    The project group can already be chosen in the first semester – to do so, you need to contact the project group representative BEFORE your admission and decide on one of the topics offered, becauses the topics of the new project group are already presented at the end of the previous semester.

  • The final module (30 CP) is used to complete your Master's thesis. It is accompanied by an advanced seminar in which you present the topic you are working on at the beginning and present and defend the results at the end of your thesis. The Master's thesis may be started as soon as at least 60 CP have been acquired.

For "lateral entrants" who wish to start a Master's degree programme despite not having a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or equivalent, the admissions committee can impose modules from the Bachelor's degree in Computing Science to make up for missing Bachelor's knowledge. These conditional modules must be studied in addition to the 120 CP of the Master's programme and must be passed in the first four semesters and are required before the application for the master’s thesis.

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