Arts and culture on campus
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Arts and culture on campus

Botanical Garden
At the University's Botanical Garden near Haarentor Campus, you can view a wide range of domestic and exotic plants. Unlike public parks and gardens it is designed to display the characteristics, growth and biodiversity of the plants (including the less spectacular varieties) rather than simply their aesthetic value.
International Summer Fest
The International Summer Fest is one of the annual highlights at the University. Students from around the world introduce their home countries at stalls featuring their traditional dress, music, and information materials. Visitors also have the chance to take a culinary trip around the world by sampling homemade food and drink specialties from the different countries represented at the fest. The Summer Fest has a panel of judges that presents an award for the best stall. The event is accompanied by a musical and performance programme, as well as activities for children.
Student cinema Gegenlicht
On Wednesdays during the lecture period, the student cinema Gegenlicht presents a wide range of classical and contemporary, mainstream and art-house and national and international films. Most of the films are shown either in English, or with appropriate subtitles. It is located at unikum Bühne 1. The entrance fee is usually EUR 3, but may be slightly higher for special events.
University choir "uniChor"
The university choir is open to everyone - students, staff, alumni and residents of Oldenburg and of the wider community. You do not need to have sung in a choir before. It is traditional for the choir to dissolves at the end of the summer semester and reassemble at the beginning of the following winter semester with new members. Rehearsals for the concerts the choir performs during the season (from February until July) start in autumn. A final concert will be given at the season's closing event at the University's Alte Aula, the old auditorium in building A11. In addition to the choir there are other singing groups and band projects for classic and contemporary music.
University orchestra
Founded in 1983, the University of Oldenburg Symphony Orchestra performs a wide spectrum of demanding pieces ranging from classical to contemporary music. Like the University Choir, it has a membership of around 50 students, staff, and alumni from the university as well as residents from Oldenburg and the surrounding area. Rehearsals for the season's performances are held regularly during the semester, with a final concert at the season's closing event. In addition to the Orchestra there is also a University Big Band that performs at official events held at the university.
unikum stage and Oldenburg University Theatre (OUT)
The unikum hosts both professional and non-professional musicians, performers and authors throughout the year and provides an excellent forum for music, comedy, theatre, and reading series. Every year in January and February, a special highlight is the Oldenburg Kabarett-Tage, with both newcomers and professionals performing music, stand-up comedy and theatre on stage.
The Oldenburg University Theatre project OUT is the only one of its kind in Germany. It is run entirely by students and the Studierendenwerk and focuses on all aspects of theatre production, both on stage and backstage. Its productions range from classical to contemporary and improvisational. OUT stages small and large-scale productions on campus throughout the year. The project is open to people from all backgrounds and with all levels of experience in theatre, and to all those interested in acting on stage or working backstage. Various workshops give you the opportunity to exercise and build upon your skills.