Emergency telephone numbers

  • Police: 110
  • Fire service: 112
  • Ambulance: 112
  • Poisoning (Poisoning information centre in Göttingen): 0551 / 19 240
  • Emergencies and urgent medical care services (Ärztlicher Notdienst): 116 117

Health care in Oldenburg

If you need to see a doctor in Germany, it is a good idea to ask friends or colleagues for a recommendation. In the phone book (or yellow pages) you can find a list of doctors sorted by medical field and by name. If you need to see a specialist, it is common to go to a general practitioner ("Hausarzt") first, who can then refer you to a specialist ("Facharzt").

To avoid long waiting times at a doctor's surgery you should make an appointment by phone in advance, though you may have to wait some time for an appointment with a specialist or dentist.

Germany's medical services are of a high standard. Hospitals have accident and emergency departments, but you can also go to a local doctor's office for urgent medical care ("Notdienstpraxen") or a pharmacy ("Apothekennotdienst") in case of sudden illess or minor injuries that are urgent but not life-threatening. These services are mainly provided in the evening and on weekends when most doctor's offices are closed.

Pharmacies offer an emergency service outside normal business hours and at weekends ("Apotheken-Notdienst"). Search the website listed below for a list of which pharmacy is on duty. Please note that eye specialists (ophthalmologists), ENT specialists (ear, nose, and throat - in German "Hals, Nasen, Ohren" or "HNO"), surgeons and paediatricians also provide urgent medical treatment, but usually only at hospitals. To find out where to go dial 116 117 (free of charge and without area code).

There are three hospitals in Oldenburg: Evangelisches Krankenhaus and Pius-Hospital are located near the city centre. The Klinikum is located in Kreyenbrück.

"Notdienstpraxis" doctor's office for urgent medical care

"Apothekennotdienst" pharmacy emergency service

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p25257en
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