
Study abroad advisor

Lisa Hasselbrink

+49 (0)441 798-4669

(Erasmus+) student mobility

Andreas Männle

+49 (0)441 798-2484

(Erasmus+) mobility for students with special needs

Christa Weers

+49(0)441 798-2438

Office hours

Availability by phone
9 -12 a.m. and 2-3:30 p.m. 
Thursdays: 2 p.m.-3:30 p.m.

Face-to-face office hours in the SSC
2:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. 
Thursdays: 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 

Erasmus+ cooperations of School VI – Medicine and Health Sciences

This page lists the Erasmus+ cooperations of our School for Medicine and Health Sciences with student mobility agreements.

How to use the map and list below

This page lists the Erasmus+ partner universities of School VI of the University of Oldenburg. For technical reasons, the entries are in German, but the names of the universities are usually written in English. You can filter the entries using the search field. Clicking on the university names will take you to further information (including reports from Oldenburg students) in German.

For technical reasons, all other schools than School I that are also included in the data sets are displayed as a filter option. To hide this data, please select the filter "Fakultät 6".

Explanation of German terminology: Land = country, Fachgebiet = subject, Vertragsart = contract type, Fakultät = School

RUG Logo
RUG Logo
<p>Fakultät 1<br /><strong>Sonderpädagogik</strong><br />Austauschplätze: 3 Plätze à 5 Monate<br />Studienzyklus: BA, MA<br />Janina Dott</p>
<p>Fakultät 2<br /><strong>Rechtswissenschaften / Hanse Law School</strong><br />Austauschplätze: 4 Plätze à 5 Monate<br />Studienzyklus: BA, MA<br />Kerstin Groscurth</p>
<p>Fakultät 3<br /><strong>Niederlandistik</strong><br />Austauschplätze: 5 Plätze à 5 Monate<br />Studienzyklus: BA, MA<br />Foekje Reitsma</p>
<p>Fakultät 4<br /><strong>Geschichte</strong><br />Austauschplätze: 4 Plätze à 5 Monate<br />Studienzyklus: BA, MA<br /><a href="t3://page?uid=8874">Prof. Dr. Michael Sommer</a></p>
<p>Fakultät 5<br /><strong>Chemie</strong><br />Austauschplätze: 2 Plätze à 6 Monate<br />Studienzyklus: BA, MA<br />Prof. Jarl Ivar van der Vlugt</p>
<p>Fakultät 5<br /><strong>Physik</strong><br />Austauschplätze: 5 Plätze à 4 Monate<br />Studienzyklus: BA, MA<br />Prof. Dr. Caterina Cocchi</p>
<p>Fakultät 5<br /><strong>Umweltwissenschaften, Landschaftsökologie</strong><br />Austauschplätze: 2 Plätze à 5 Monate<br />Studienzyklus: BA, MA<br />Prof. Dr. Ingo Mose</p>
<p>Fakultät 6<br /><strong>Medizin</strong><br />Austauschplätze: 20 Plätze à 12 Monate<br />Studienzyklus: BA, MA, PhD<br />Dr. Kirsten Gehlhar</p>
<p>Fakultät 6<br /><strong>Psychologie</strong><br />Austauschplätze: 2 Plätze à 5 Monate<br />Studienzyklus: MA<br />Dr. Cornelia Kranczioch</p>
IO-Webmaster (Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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