
Publications by Jannika Mattes

Articles in Journals

2024: Chlebna, Camilla & Mattes, Jannika: Regional Transition Fields - Exploring institutional dynamics of contestation and entrenchment in an energy transition case in Germany. Energy Research & Social Science.

2024: Chlebna, Camilla; Löhr, Meike; Mattes, Jannika & Rohe, Sebastian: Regionale Treiber und Hemmnisse der Windenergieentwicklung in Deutschland, Geographische Rundschau - Ausgabe 4/2024 S. 22-26

2024: Paustian, Sabrina & Mattes, Jannika: ICT Standards in Smart Grid Projects – Between a Standard’s Intended and Factual Role in Complex Technological Development.  Journal of Organizational Sociology.

2023: Jackwerth-Rice, Deborah; Koehrsen, Jens & Mattes, Jannika: The Resources of Institutional Entrepreneurs in Different Structural Settings. Organization Theory, 4(2).

2023: Rohe, Sebastian; Schmidt-Scheele, Ricarda & Mattes, Jannika : The embeddedness of companies in regional energy transitions, European Planning Studies.

2023: Roth, Philipp & Mattes, Jannika: Distance creates proximity: Unraveling the influence of geograpical distance on social proximity in interorganizational collaborations. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 0(0).

2022: Paustian, Sabrina; Köhlke, Julia; Mattes, Jannika & Lehnhoff, Sebastian: The (still unexplored) Social Side of Smart Grid Development. Towards a Social Layer for the Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM). In: e-Energy '22: Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems. .

2022: Chlebna, Camilla; Martin, Hanna & Mattes, Jannika: Grasping transformative regional development – Exploring intersections between industrial paths and sustainability transitions. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 55(1), 222–234.

2022: Heidenreich, Martin & Mattes, Jannika: Knowledge generation and diffusion in the German wind energy industry. In: Industrial and Corporate Change, 00, 1-22.

2022: Löhr, Meike; Chlebna, Camilla & Mattes, Jannika: From institutional work to transition work: Actors creating, maintaining and disrupting transition processes. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, Vol. 42, 251-267.

2022: Rohe, Sebastian & Mattes, Jannika: What about the regional level? Regional configurations of Technological Innovation Systems. In: Geoforum, 129, S. 60-73.

2022: Löhr, Meike & Mattes, Jannika: Facing transition phase two: Analysing actor strategies in a stagnating acceleration phase. In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change 174. doi,org/10.1016/j.techfore.2021.121221.

2021: Köhlke, Julia; Paustian, Sabrina; Mattes, Jannika; Lehnhoff, Sebastian & Uslar, Mathias: Perspectives on the Social Embeddedness of the Smart Grid Architecture Model in Innovation Projects. In:  CIRED 2021 - The 26th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution,  p. 2725 – 2729.

2020: Chlebna, Camilla & Mattes, Jannika: The fragility of regional energy transitions. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 37, 66–78.

2018: Hansen, Teis & Mattes, Jannika: Proximity and power in collaborative innovation projects. Regional Studies, Vol. 52 (1), S. 35-46.

2015: Nilsson, Magnus & Mattes, Jannika: The spatiality of trust: Factors influencing the creation of trust and the role of face-to-face contacts. European Management Journal, Vol. 33 (4), S. 230-244.

2015: Mattes, Jannika; Huber, Andreas & Köhrsen, Jens: Energy transitions in small‐scale regions – What we can learn from a regional innovation systems perspective. Energy Policy, Vol. 78, S. 255–264.

2014: Mattes, Jannika: Formalisation and flexibilisation in organisations – Dynamic and selective approaches in corporate innovation processes. European Management Journal, Vol. 32 (3), S. 475-486.

2013: Mattes, Jannika & Späth, Sinje: Upgrading foreign subsidiaries from exploiting to augmenting: Bargaining processes at strategic and operative levels. Competition & Change, Vol. 17 (2), S. 129-155.

2012: Mattes, Jannika: Dimensions of proximity and knowledge bases. Innovation between spatial and non-spatial factors. Regional Studies, Vol. 46 (8), S. 1085-1099.

2012: Mattes, Jannika: The regional embeddedness of multinational companies. A critical perspective. European Planning Studies, Vol. 21 (4), S. 433-451.

Books and Book Chapters

2021: Heidenreich, Martin & Mattes, Jannika: Regionale Innovationssysteme und Innovationscluster. S. 183-199 in Handbuch Innovationsforschung: B. Blättel-Mink, I. Schulz-Schaeffer, A. Windeler (Hrsg.), Wiesbaden: Springer.

2019: Jens Koehrsen, Jannika Mattes & Andreas Huber: Les transitions énergétiques allemandes à l’échelon local : une perspective évolutive des transitions de Bottrop et d’Emden. In Douzou, Sylvie, Marc Guyon,  Simon Luck (Hrsg.), Les territoires de la transition énergétique, Paris, Lavoisier, collection EDF Socio-économie de l’énergie.

2017: Heidenreich, Martin; Kädtler, Jürgen & Mattes, Jannika (Eds.): Kollaborative Innovationen. Die innerbetriebliche Nutzung externer Wissensbestände in vernetzten Entwicklungsprozessen. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen.

2016: Mattes, Jannika: The geography of innovation in multinational companies: internal distribution and external embeddedness. Pp. 399-414 in Handbook on the geography of innovation, Ed. Richard Shearmur, Christophe Carrincazeaux and David Doloreux, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

2015: Mattes, Jannika: Looking into the innovation process: How international is innovation in multinational companies? Pp. 145-176 in Transnational corporations and transnational governance: The cost of crossing borders in the global economy, Ed. Sarianna Lundan, Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.

2014: Heidenreich, Martin & Mattes, Jannika: Die soziale Einbettung multinationaler Unternehmen. Pp. 659-673 in Vielfalt und Zusammenhalt. Reader Soziologietag 2012 at the University of Bochum, Ed. Martina Löw, Frankfurt: Campus.

2012: Heidenreich, Martin & Mattes, Jannika: The embeddedness of multinational companies and their limits. A typology. Pp. 29-58 in Institutional embeddedness of multinational companies, Ed. Martin Heidenreich, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

2012: Mattes, Jannika & Heidenreich, Martin: Conclusion: Corporate Embeddedness as a Strategic and Dynamic Process of Skilled Actors. Pp. 329-343 in Institutional embeddedness of multinational companies, Ed. Martin Heidenreich, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

2012: Heidenreich, Martin; Barmeyer, Christoph; Koschatzky, Knut; Mattes, Jannika; Baier, Elisabeth & Krüth, Katharina: Multinational Enterprises and Innovation: Regional Learning in Networks. London/New York: Routledge.

2010: Mattes, Jannika: Innovation in multinational companies. Organisational, international and regional dilemmas. Frankfurt a.M. et al.: Peter Lang. 

2008: Heidenreich, Martin; Kirch, Brigitte & Mattes, Jannika: Die organisatorische Einbettung von Informationstechnologien in einem globalen Entwicklungsprojekt. Pp. 193-219 in Schulz-Schäffer, Ingo / Funken, Christiane: Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt. Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Working Papers

2024: Chlebna, Camilla & Mattes, Jannika: Regional Transition Fields – How adaptation and delimitation shape regional transition processes. GEIST Working Paper No. 2024(01)

2021: Chlebna, C., Martin, H., & Mattes, J.: Grasping transformative regional development from a co-evolutionary perspective - a research agenda. GEIST Working Paper Series, Article 5.

2021: Rohe, Sebastian; Mattes, Jannika: What about the regional level? Regional configurations of Technological Innovation Systems. In: PEGIS - Papers in Economic Geography and Innovation Studies, No. 2021/01.

2020: Löhr, Meike; Mattes, Jannika: Facing transition phase two: Analysing actor strategies in a stagnating acceleration phase. CIRCLE - Working Paper Series, No 2020/12.

2020: Löhr, Meike; Chlebna, Camilla; Mattes, Jannika: Transition work: Analysing transition processes as interplay of actors, institutions and technologies - evidence from the German wind sector. Conference paper. IST.

2019: Chlebna, Camila; Mattes, Jannika:  When the novelty fades – Socio-technical, spatial and temporal dimensions of regional energy transitions. CIRCLE - Working Paper Series, No. 2019/6,

2016: Heidenreich, Martin; Kädtler, Jürgen; Mattes, Jannika: Die innerbetriebliche Nutzung externer Wissensbestände in vernetzten Entwicklungsprozessen: Endbericht zum Projekt "Kollaborative Innovationen". Oldenburger Studien zur Europäisierung und zur transnationalen Regulierung Nr. 25/2016.

2013: Nilsson, Magnus; Mattes, Jannika: The spatiality of trust - Antecedents of trust and the role of face-to-face contacts. CIRCLE working paper no. 2013/16.

2012: Wittke, Volker; Heidenreich, Martin; Mattes, Jannika; Hanekop, Heidemarie; Feuerstein, Patrick; Jackwerth, Thomas: Kollaborative Innovationen. Die innerbetriebliche Nutzung externer Wissensbestände in vernetzten Entwicklungsprozessen. Oldenburger Studien zur Europäisierung und zur transnationalen Regulierung Nr. 22/2012.

2012: Mattes, Jannika: Looking into the innovation process: How international is innovation in multinational companies? ZenTra Working Paper in Transnational Studies No. 05/2012.

2006: Mattes, Jannika: Innovation in multinational companies. An empirical analysis of innovation networks between globalisation and localisation. Bamberger Beiträge zur Europaforschung und zur internationalen Politik, Nr. 14/2006.

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