Florian Helfrich
Florian Helfrich
Research associate in the EFZN research program "Transformation of the Lower Saxony energy system"
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4738-5609
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/florianhelfrich/
Research interests

- Transition processes of energy systems
- Digitalization of energy infrastructures
- Power dynamics between actors in the energy sector
- Energy communities and citizens
Science and Technology Studies (STS) | Infrastructure | Sociology | Sustainability | Energy | Blockchain | Decentralization | Public Policy | Governance
Curriculum vitae
From January 2025
Research associate in the EFZN research program "Transformation of the Lower Saxony energy system" (TEN.efzn)
Research platform: Trustworthy digitalization of safety-critical energy systems
Funded by zukunft.niedersachsen
From November 2020 to December 2024
PhD candidate
University of Twente Enschede, Netherlands, Department of Technology, Policy and Society (TPS); section Knowledge, Transformation &Society (KiTeS)
PhD project
Challenging power relations – Governance of Blockchain-based InfrastructureTransitions on Energy markets – eGoBIT
- Investigating the governance of socio-technical infrastructures in societies
- Development and governance of novel energy infrastructures and -markets
- Empirical research on local energy communities (Netherlands, Spain, Australia) and stakeholders in the energy sector
- Cross-national analysis of the energy transition and transformation of the energy sector
BMS Signature Grant PhD position of the University of Twente
EU Horizon 2020 projects
EU Horizon 2020 – Sustainable and Integrated Energy Systems in Local Communities (SERENE), 2021-2025, budget >€5m
EU Horizon 2020 – Sustainable Energy System for Achieving Novel Carbon Neutral Energy Communities (SUSTENANCE), 2021-2025, budget >€3m
Teaching and student supervision
Lectures and tutorials, summer school course, workshops, thesis and project supervision
From September 2018 to October 2020
Philosophy of Science, Technology and Society | Master of Science
University of Twente Enschede, Netherlands
Master thesis
Helfrich, F.L. (2020). Governing socio-technical systems: internal governance of decentralised blockchain-based networks.
- Investigate the role of science and technology in societies
- Interdisciplinary research combining social sciences with technical studies
- Ethical and philosophical assessment
From 2014 to 2018
Sociology | Economics | Bachelor of Arts
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen Tübingen, Germany
Major subject: Sociology | Minor subject: Economics
- Sociology of Technology
- Science and Technology Studies (STS)
- Statistical/quantitative data analysis, empirical social research
- Macro- and microeconomics
From 2016 to 2017
Exchange semester University of Twente Enschede, Netherlands
Modules: "Philosophy of Science and Technology" and "Social Media and Networks"
- Networkanalysis and social networks
- Philosophy of Technology
- Philosophy of Science
Ibrahim, I.A., Baack, F., Aukes, E.J., Sanderink, L., Coenen, F.H.J.M., Helfrich, F.L., Votsis, A., & Hoppe, T. (2025). Local energy autarky: What it means and why it matters. Energy Research & Social Science, 120. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2025.103920.
Edler, J., Kuhlmann, S., & Helfrich, F. (2023). Fostering Transformation. A Governance Frame for Large Private and Public Organisations as Critical Actors. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. [Under review] Pre-print available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4357816
Schillinger, J., Helfrich, F.L., Aukes, E.J., Tummers, L., Votsis, A., & Sanderink, L. (2023). Description of social, economic & regulatory conditions (SUSTENANCE deliverable 3.1). University of Aalborg.
Aukes, E.J., Coenen, F.H.J.M., Daskalova, V.I., Gerçek, C., Helfrich, F.L., Lee, D., Lier, G., Sanderink, L.,Schillinger, J.M., Votsis, A., & Willemse, J. (2022). Conditions for socio-economic development and citizen engagement in energy islands (SERENE deliverable 3.2). University of Aalborg.
Schillinger, J.M., Coenen, F.H.J.M., Aukes, E.J., Daskalova, V.I., Gerçek, C., Helfrich, F.L., Lee, D., Lier,G., Sanderink, L., Votsis, A., & Willemse, J. (2022). Obstacles that currently hinder the development and operation of local integrated energy systems. University of Aalborg.
DigiDecarbon Workshop 2024 Digitalisation of energy communities "New modes of organising, business models and forms of transition governance", Aalto University campus Helsinki; Track: Business models
BMS Emerging Technologies & Societal Transformation conference 2024, University of Twente; Panel: Governing and anticipating the energy transition
15th International Transitions Conference 2024 "Sustainability Transitions and Nature", Oslo; Panel: Track 13 Digitalization and Sustainability Transitions
Eu-SPRI Annual Conference 2024 "Governing technology, research, and innovation for better worlds", University of Twente; Session Chair und Organisator: T35 Public and Private Organizations as Change Agents in Transformations [Edler, Kuhlmann & Helfrich]
Eu-SPRI Annual Conference 2024 "Governing technology, research, and innovation for better worlds", University of Twente; Panel: T29 Navigating Diversity, Justice and Equity: Normative Orientations and Innovative Solutions in the Energy Transition
4S Society for Social Studies of Science 2023 "Sea, Sky, and Land: Engaging in Solidarity in Endangered Ecologies", Honolulu; Panel: 30 The role of new and emerging technologies in the energy transition
BMS Emerging Technologies & Societal Transformation conference 2023, University of Twente; Panel: Governing the Transformation of (Digitalised) Infrastructures
14th International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2023 "Responsibility and Reflexivity in Transitions", Utrecht; [Poster]
8th Network of Early Career Researchers in Sustainability Transitions Conference 2023 "Re-imagining Transitions Beyond established methods and concepts", Dresden [Angenommen, selbst abgesagt wegen Überschneidung mit STS Italia 2023]
9th STS Italia Conference 2023 "Interesting worlds to come. Science & Technology Studies facing more-than-human challenges", Bologna; Panel: 37 Interesting participatory processes in science, technology and innovation: conditions, challenges and prospects for bottom-up innovation
6th Nordic STS Conference 2023 "Disruption and Repair in and beyond STS", Oslo; Panel: Energy Communities and Urban Sociotechnical Transformations
21th Annual STS Conference Graz 2023 "Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies"; Panel: Socio-technical visions and expectations in the energy sector
12th International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2021 "Mainstreaming sustainability transitions: From research towards impact", Karlsruhe; Special Session: Transformative capacities for sustainability transitions: Harnessing the diversity of conceptualizations in innovation and policy studies [Edler, Kuhlmann & Helfrich]
Digitalisation Research and Network Meeting DigiMeet 2021 "Sustainability in digital transformation: charting new terrain, exploring tensions", Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt), Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS) & Weizenbaum Institute (WI)
27th Science Policy Research Unit PhD Forum 2021 "Collaboration in Context: Advancing Research and Policy Practices in Science, Technology, and Innovation", University of Sussex; Parallel Session 3Going digital: Opportunities and Challenges