Academic CV

Dr. Julius Greve

Academic CV


01|2013 – 07|2016      Universität zu Köln (doctoral studies in English; esp. American Literature and Critical Theory, fully funded by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes); Doctoral thesis: “Shreds of Matter: Cormac McCarthy and the Persistence of Speculation”; submitted February 2016 | defended July 2016) Grade: summa cum laude 0,0; Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Hanjo Berressem, Prof. Dr. Bernd Herzogenrath

10|2006 – 01|2012      Universität zu Köln (M.A. studies in English, History, Ethnomusicology; majored in English | American Studies); Grade: 1,0 with distinction; Thesis: “Metacommentary as an Artistic Practice in the Work of Mark Z. Danielewski”

09|2009 – 03|2010      Cardiff University (M.A. studies in Critical and Cultural Theory, Ethnomusicology)

Professional Activities

current position      Post-doc research associate in American Studies; "Eigene Stelle," fully funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) | Institute for English and American Studies, CvO Universität Oldenburg

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03|2024      Co-organization of “Semiotics of the Sayable: Poetics, Politics, Science, Non-Philosophy” | Endicott College, Massachusetts, USA

07|2023      Organization of “Reading Living Currency—Pierre Klossowski and Critical Theory: An International Workshop” | CvO Universität Oldenburg

05|2022      Research stay at New York Public Library | New York City, USA

since 10|2021      Post-doc research associate in American Studies; "Eigene Stelle," fully funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) | Institute for English and American Studies, CvO Universität Oldenburg

09|2021      Co-organization of an international conference, “Rethinking the North American Long Poem: Matter, Form, Experiment” | Universität Basel, Basel (s.

06|2019      Co-organization of a GAAS (DGfA)-workshop, “‘This is America’: Music, Video, and Medial Entanglement in the Popular” | Universität Hamburg

04|2019 – 09|2019      Lecturer in American Studies |  Universität Bremen

04|2018      Co-organization of an international conference, “The American Weird: Ecologies & Geographies” | Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen (s. theamericanweird.

02|2018 – 03|2018      Research as a Visiting Scholar, at Prof. Dr. Michael B. Golston’s invitation | Columbia University, New York City, USA

10|2017 – 03|2018      Lecturer in American Studies | Institute for English and American Studies, Universität Hamburg

06|2017      Co-organization of a GAAS (DGfA)-workshop, “Modernist Generation: The Making of Those Who Make It New” | Leibniz Universität, Hannover

04|2017 – 09|2021     Lecturer and research associate in American Studies (Prof. Dr. Martin Butler) | Institute for English and American Studies, CvO Universität Oldenburg

10|2016 – 03|2017      Lecturer in American Studies | Institute for English and American Studies, Universität Hamburg

08|2016 – 10|2023      Membership in the DFG-funded academic network Americana: Ästhetik, Authentizität und Performance in der US-amerikanischen populären Musik 

08|2016      Co-teaching a two-week workshop (with Christopher John Müller), “Natures of Technology, Technologies of Nature: Contemporary Perspectives on the Given and the Made” | Summer school of the German National Academic Foundation in Leysin, Switzerland

07|2016      Co-organization of an international conference (with James Dorson and Markus Wierschem), “Crossroads and Transgressions: Cormac McCarthy Between Worlds” | JFK Institute, FU Berlin (s.

04|2016 – 03|2017      Lecturer and research associate in American Studies (Prof. Dr. Hanjo Berressem) | English Department, Universität zu Köln 

10|2014      Co-organization of a symposium (with Rocco Gangle), “Superpositions. Non-Standard Perspectives on Critical Theory, Philosophy and Media Studies – A Symposium on Laruelle and the Humanities” | CTM, The New School, New York City, USA (s.

09|2014 – 10|2014      Research stay at the Cormac McCarthy Archive of The Wittliff Collections | Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas, USA

05|2014      Co-organization of an international conference, “America and the Musical Unconscious” | Junior Year Munich, LMU München

04|2012 – 07|2014      Research assistant for Prof. Dr. Hanjo Berressem, including a lectureship | English Department, Universität zu Köln

09|2010 – 02|2012      Student assistant for Prof. Dr. Hanjo Berressem, American Studies | Universität zu Köln  


The Cormac McCarthy Society

DGfA (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien) | GAAS (German Association for American Studies)

GfM (Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft)

MLA (Modern Language Association)

NeMLA (Northeast Modern Language Association)

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