Dr. Wieland Heim


Dr. Wieland Heim

Institute for Biology and Environmental Sciences  (» Postal address)

Fk. V, IBU, Raum A1 3-315 (» Adress and map)

Non-term consultation: by appointment

+49 441 798-2930  (F&P

Dr. Wieland Heim

Dr. Wieland Heim

Anthropogenic effects on migratory birds, migration strategies, bird conservation, unknown migration routes

Curriculum vitae

Professional experience

since 2024 Migration ecology group, University of Oldenburg, Germany: Lecturer

2023-2024 Population ecology group, University of Zurich, Switzerland: Postdoctoral researcher

2022-2023 Bird migration group, Swiss Ornithological Institute, Switzerland: Postdoctoral researcher

2021-2022 Animal ecology group, Turku University, Finland: Postdoctoral researcher

2018-2021 Münster University, Germany: Scientific staff

2011-2020 Muraviovka Park, Russia & Amur Bird Project: Project coordinator

2014-2017 Potsdam University, Germany: Research assistant

2013 Senckenberg Natural History Collections Dresden, Germany, Section Ornithology/Phylogeny/Population genetics: Internship

2011 Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ, Department Conservation Science: Student assistant

2010-2012 Leipzig University, Germany, Molecular Evolution and Animal Systematics: Student assistant

2008-2012 Freelance biologist: breeding bird surveys, ecological reports on building projects, surveys on sea birds and marine mammals

2007-2008 Regional Conservation Authority Chemnitz, Department Conservation: Civil service

Academic education

2017-2020 Münster University, Institute of Landscape Ecology, PhD thesis: ‘The migration ecology of East Asian land birds’

 2013-2017 Potsdam University, MSc Ecology, Evolution and Nature Conservation, MSc thesis: ‘Stop-over niche use of East Asian buntings Emberizidae

 2008-2012 Leipzig University, BSc Biology, BSc thesis: ‘Habitat use of Tawny Pipits Anthus campestris in former open coal pits south of Leipzig’

Committee activities


Google Scholar publication list

Selected publications:

Heim W, Anisimov Y, Bastardot M, Davaasuren B, Nakul G, Anisimova V, Batbayar N, Beermann I, Dae We Aung T, Damrow L, Erdenechimeg T, Hahn S, Heim A, Heim RJ, Hölzel N, Kunz F, Levashkin A, Sander MM, Sankamethawee W, Thomas A, Kamp J (2024) Migration routes and adult survival of the Critically Endangered Yellow-breasted Bunting Emberiza aureola. Scientific Reports 14: 30593: [https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-83138-4]

Allera G, Heim RJ, Förster A, Heim W (2024) Landscape structure and site factors influence whether the northern house martin Delichon urbicum occupies artificial nests. Ecology and Evolution 14: e70261 [https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.70261]

Zhao T, Heim W, Nussbaumer R, van Toor M, Zhang G, Andersson A, Bäckman J, Liu Z, Song G, Hellström M, Roved J, Liu Y, Bensch S, Lei F, Wertheim B, Helm B (2024) Seasonal migration strategies of Siberian Rubythroat (Calliope calliope) facing the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Movement Ecology 12:54 [https://doi.org/10.1186/s40462-024-00495-5]

Heim W, Bourski O, Shchemeleva K, Tøttrup AP, Thorup K (2024) From Siberia to Indonesia: tracking the migration of the Arctic Warbler Phylloscopus borealis. Journal of Ornithology 165:557–562 [https://doi.org/10.1007/s10336-024-02146-3]

Heim W, Antonov A, Kunz F, Sander MM, Bastardot M, Beermann I, Heim RJ, Thomas A, Volkova V (2023) Habitat use, survival and migration of a little-known East Asian endemic, the Yellow-throated Bunting Emberiza elegans. Ecology and Evolution 13: e10030 [https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.10030]

Esther A, Schenke D, Heim W (2022) Non-Invasively Collected Fecal Samples as Indicator of Multiple Pesticide Exposure in Wild Birds. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 41: 201-207 [https://doi.org/10.1002/etc.5260]

Heim RJ, Heim W, Bültmann H, Kamp J, Rieker D,  Yurtaev A, Hölzel N (2022) Fire disturbance promotes biodiversity of plants, lichens and birds in the Siberian subarctic tundra. Global Change Biology 28: 1048-1062 [https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15963]

Heim W, Piironen A, Heim RJ, Piha M, Seimola T, Forsman JT, Laaksonen T (2022) Effects of multiple targeted repelling measures on the behaviour of individually tracked birds in an area of increasing human-wildlife conflict. Journal of Applied Ecology 59: 3027-3037. [https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.14297]

Heim W*, Thomas A*, Berner I, Korschefsky T, Hölzel N, Kamp J (2022) Anthropogenic fire patterns affect niche breadth and niche overlap in sympatric songbird species. Science of the Total Environment 833: 155160 [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155160]

Heim W, Chan S, Hölzel N, Ktitorov P, Mischenko A, Kamp J (2021) East Asian buntings: ongoing illegal trade and encouraging conservation responses. Conservation Science and Practice 3: e405 [doi: 10.1111/csp2.405]

Heim W*, Wobker J*, Schmaljohann H (2021) Sex, age, molt strategy and migration distance explain the phenology of songbirds at a stopover along the East Asian flyway. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 75: 25 [doi:10.1007/s00265-020-02957-3]

Yong DL, Heim W, Chowdhury SU, Choi CY, Ktitorov P, Kulikova O, Kondratiev A, Round PD, Allen D, Trainor CR, Gibson L, Szabo JK (2021) The state of migratory landbirds in the East Asian Flyway: distributions, threats, and conservation needs. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 613172 [doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.613172]

Heim W, Heim RJ, Beermann I, Burkovskiy OA, Gerasimov Y, Ktitorov P, Ozaki K, Panov I, Sander MM, Sjöberg S, Smirenski SM, Thomas A, Tottrup A, Tiunov IM, Willemoes M, Hölzel N, Thorup K, Kamp J (2020) Using geolocator tracking data and ringing archives to validate citizen-science based seasonal predictions of songbird distribution in a data-poor region. Global Ecology and Conservation 24: e01215 [doi: 10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01215]

Heim RJ, Hölzel N, Heinken T, Kamp J, Thomas A, Darman GF, Smirenski SM,  Heim W (2019) Post-burn and long-term fire effects on plants and birds in floodplain wetlands of the Russian Far East. Biodiversity and Conservation 28: 1611–1628 [doi:10.1007/s10531-019-01746-3]

Heim W, Eccard JA, Bairlein F (2018) Migration phenology determines niche use of East Asian buntings (Emberizidae) during stopover. Current Zoology 64(6): 681–692 [doi:10.1093/cz/zoy016]

Heim W, Pedersen L, Heim RJ, Kamp J, Smirenski SM, Thomas A, Tottrup A, Thorup K (2018) Full annual cycle tracking of a small songbird, the Siberian Rubythroat Calliope calliope, along the East Asian flyway. Journal of Ornithology 159(4): 893–899 [doi:10.1007/s10336-018-15]

Complete publication list: https://wielandheim.com/publications/

*joint first authorship

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