
Lars Mohrhusen Dr.

Department of Chemistry  (» Postal address)

W03 0-048 (» Adress and map)

+49 441 798-5616  (F&P



School Intern Tamino joins the group!


The new year starts with a new face at the Hybrid Catalysts Group! 
Tamino, a student intern from the Jade-Gymnasium, was able to gain many different insights into our work over the course of January. He not only supported the work on UHV systems and in the wet lab, but also helped with the design of an experiment for students of our university lab course. 
Many thanks, Tamino, and good luck for the future!

Photo Credit: C.v.O. Universität Oldenburg / Marcus Windus (PI) 


UHV Chamber for the Preparation of Sulfur-Containing Compounds in Production

22. 10. 2024

In order to photochemically activate greenhouse gases, we are investigating, among other things, hybrid systems with sulfur-containing TMDCs such as TiS₂ or MoS₂ on titanium dioxide surfaces. The preparation chamber required for this was developed in collaboration with the mechanical workshops and is currently being built there. Justin and Niko visited the production facility today to check on the progress.

We are pleased that we can have this specialized equipment custom-made by our workshops to meet our needs!

New to the Group: Dr. Fangliang Li

01. 10. 2024

Today, Dr. Fangliang Li has joined the group as a new PostDoc. Fangliang will be working within the BMBF project Su2nCat-CO2, developing methods to test the photochemical activity of model catalysts under realistic conditions. Welcome to the group!

Annual Soccer Tournament

14. 09. 2024

Justin and Niko from our group, along with other PhD students, took lead to organize this year's football tournament for the Institute of Chemistry. It was a great event for everyone, filled with fun and team spirit.

Thank you all for the organization!

New Team Member: Aaron R. von Seggern

01. 09. 2024

We are pleased to announce that Aaron R. von Seggern is the newest member of our team. In his doctoral research, Aaron will be investigating organic systems on oxide surfaces, contributing to the development of novel photocatalysts. His PhD project is part of the BMBF project Su2nCat-CO2, funded under the SINATRA funding program.

Welcome on board, Aaron!


Article in University Magazine UNI-Info


The news magazine of our university covered a report on our research within the BMBF-project Su2nCat-CO2 (in German only):

EPS Poster Award for Niko Kruse


Niko Kruse was awarded the Poster Prize of the European Physical Society on the ECOSS conference! Congratulations, and thanks to our collaborators at Aarhus University (J. Lauritsens group) for the great outcome!


Justin and Niko attend European Conference on Surface Science ECOSS in Harrogate, UK


Justin and Niko are presenting their latest results on this years ECOSS Conferenz in Harrogate, UK. Their posters show how to activate greenhouse gasses on oxide surfaces (Justin) and the synthesis of well-defined 2D TiS2 nanoparticles (Niko).


Kickoff of the BMBF funding programme SINATRA in Hanover

  1. April 2024

The leaders of the seven junior research groups within the funding programme SINATRA met with representatives of the BMBF, the PTJ and DECHEMA's cross-sectional project in Hanover for the kickoff meeting. We are delighted that our project Su2nCat-CO2 is being funded in this programme!



Start of the BMBF project "Su2nCat-CO2"

  1. March 2024

    We're more than happy to announce the start of our BMBF-funded project Su2nCat-CO2: Sustainable Sunlight Catalysis for CO2 Conversion. Read the press release here.


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